Sorry to hear that but I can relate. Maybe don't give up altogether though if you still enjoy going into the bush? Just scale things back a bit and spend more time at home?
I've ended up in a similar situation. Mrs has never been a bushwalker etc, occasional car camping used to be OK but since her hip replacement won't consider it these days.
Various surgeries and medical issues (another one tomorrow, albeit minor
) have kept me away from any remote backpack camping for the last few years, and had only been volunteer trips for several years prior. I'm also contemplating with what to do with excess gear. Post major surgery fitness has really improved and hoping to eventually resume some occasional overnight trips.
So will keep a minimum necessary for that but most activities have been day trips for quite a while and likely continue that way.
I did manage to get Mrs to walk around the base of Uluru last week, very much an exception, we were visiting to celebrate the recent passing of my 70th year.
Getting old is a *&%$#! but I'm still reasonably fit, ignoring the aches and pains. I suggest not hanging up the boots entirely just yet, maybe a foot in both worlds. Best wishes.