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Classic Quotes etc.

Postby tasadam » Mon 18 Jun, 2007 7:20 am

I've been doing a bit of research looking for a second tripod.
In my research I came across this what I thought too good not to share...
Your choice depends on your application (no use bothering with carbon fiber unless you carry it long distances), budget, and degree of macho. (I once went backpacking with a guy who carried a cast iron frypan. He was proud of his strength. I thought he was nuts.)
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Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 18 Jun, 2007 12:58 pm

yikes! Some people think I'm odd carrying a large steel wok (when walking with and cooking for a medium/large group), but a cast iron frypan truly is nuts!

I guess some people really enjoy cooking too much. As for me, I just enjoy the eating! :)
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Postby Joe » Mon 18 Jun, 2007 1:15 pm

I carried a $(^!*# huge trilogy hard cover book with me last trek...I always like to have a book with me...and unfortunately that was what i was reading at the time..It has lead me to be a firm lover of paperbacks since ;)
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