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SplitWing Shelter Bundle

PostPosted: Thu 06 Jun, 2024 8:14 pm
by Aushiker
Has anyone given the SplitWing Shelter bundle a shot or any comments on the design?

Re: SplitWing Shelter Bundle

PostPosted: Fri 07 Jun, 2024 9:08 am
by icefest
So many good jokes in that video!

Re: SplitWing Shelter Bundle

PostPosted: Sat 08 Jun, 2024 9:55 pm
by Bill P
I think they decided on the name 'splitwing' first and worked up a design from there. Yeah, Nah.

Re: SplitWing Shelter Bundle

PostPosted: Sat 08 Jun, 2024 10:49 pm
by Aushiker
Bill P wrote:I think they decided on the name 'splitwing' first and worked up a design from there. Yeah, Nah.

Why do you believe this is the case?

Re: SplitWing Shelter Bundle

PostPosted: Sun 09 Jun, 2024 8:50 am
by JohnnoMcJohnno
It looks interesting, and good on them for doing something a little different from a typical tarp shelter. Based on that video it doesn't have a bathtub floor which would bother me. On their website they say they have added one, but you can't really see it in any of their photos. They also say it's designed with FKT (fastest known times?) in mind which definitely rules me out. I dunno, it seems a bit over-complicated to me with all the different bits. Very light though.

Re: SplitWing Shelter Bundle

PostPosted: Sun 09 Jun, 2024 6:36 pm
by icefest
JohnnoMcJohnno wrote: Based on that video it doesn't have a bathtub floor which would bother me. On their website they say they have added one, but you can't really see it in any of their photos.

Looks like a bathtub floor to me, just need to get the inner!

Re: SplitWing Shelter Bundle

PostPosted: Sun 09 Jun, 2024 10:32 pm
by Bill P
"Why do you believe this is the case?" I can't see that the front split provides any useful feature over, say a zip, to justify the additional guy required and greater weather exposure. I might be missing something obvious, though.