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Liffey and surrounds

Fri 25 Jan, 2013 6:55 am

Did the tourist thing this week so a few pics from our travels with visitors in our beautiful part of the world.
I think it is as tiring as a decent walk in the mountains.
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Cascade at Liffey Falls
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Projection Bluff
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Pine Lake
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The gentle side of Quamby Bluff
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An interesting hole in the ground
Last edited by Davo1 on Fri 25 Jan, 2013 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Liffey and surrounds

Fri 25 Jan, 2013 3:36 pm

Nice photos, where's the third one from?

Re: Liffey and surrounds

Fri 25 Jan, 2013 4:12 pm

mjdalessa wrote:where's the third one from?

Sorry about that.
Pine Lake, between Projection Bluff and Great Lake.
Scoparia is not as picturesque this year and most of it has finished flowering.
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I'd hate to be as old as this fella.
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near the end of the boardwalk
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From the carpark
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