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Family Walk to Liffey Falls

Mon 04 Feb, 2013 8:46 am

Last Saturday we took our kids on the Liffey Falls walk. This is a very short walk - 45 minutes return according to PWS - and a very smooth and easy track surface. I expected that our kids would probably take double that time, but I was very wrong. It seems that they're now through that stage of dawdling walking all the time, and they raced ahead and back multiple times and walked much faster than their Mum and I. I think the kids probably did the equivalent of the track length about 3 or 4 times.

Next time I think I'll take them on the longer track, which is about two or three times the length and somewhat rougher.

We had lunch (bought from Banjo's on the way) sitting on the gravel beach on the edge of the river a little downstream from the falls.

The kids thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, and that makes it even more enjoyable for us.

This is a warm up for the two overnight walks I have planned for them next month. Good thing too - I can see where one of the kid will need tape on her feet to avoid blisters if we'd walked much further. Their shoes are not ideal bushwalking footware, but they do the job.

The "BIg Tree" (stringy bark) near the car park
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Liffey Falls
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A closer look at the falls
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Tree Fern Hugger
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Re: Family Walk to Liffey Falls

Sun 10 Feb, 2013 9:27 am

What can one say. I vote for more gratuititous shots of kids in the bush with their proud parents.

Re: Family Walk to Liffey Falls

Sun 10 Feb, 2013 8:38 pm

Son of a Beach wrote: I expected that our kids would probably take double that time, but I was very wrong. It seems that they're now through that stage of dawdling walking all the time, and they raced ahead and back multiple times and walked much faster than their Mum and I. I think the kids probably did the equivalent of the track length about 3 or 4 times.

Go girls! So good to hear they'll get to try overnights soon too. :)

Re: Family Walk to Liffey Falls

Sun 10 Feb, 2013 8:51 pm

Yep, they love the bushwalking so far. They've been doing overnighters since a few months old, but only easy walks to well-equipped huts so that we didn't have to carry as much stuff (eg, viewtopic.php?f=42&t=1131 ). Or staying in tents just a short stroll from the car. But in a few weeks will be the four year old's first overnighter sleeping in a tent after a decent walk (~5.5 hours) from the car. (The older one did it when she was four).

It is a challenge (for me as well as for them) but they really do love it.

Re: Family Walk to Liffey Falls

Sun 10 Feb, 2013 8:56 pm

Oh dear they are growing up so fast :D will never forget the little one being being deposisted in my out of experienced arms at Scout Lodge when she started her BW as a Bub :lol:

Re: Family Walk to Liffey Falls

Mon 11 Feb, 2013 8:31 am

corvus wrote:Oh dear they are growing up so fast :D will never forget the little one being being deposisted in my out of experienced arms at Scout Lodge when she started her BW as a Bub :lol:

Yeah, after walking through cold rain for two hours, her Mum was pretty knackered (as was I, carrying two full-sized packs). I just looked back at the photos of that first Scout Hut trip and realised we didn't really get any decent shots of the younger one on that weekend.
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