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Mt Olympus Trip

Sun 24 Feb, 2013 3:52 pm

22 Canopy-small.jpg
Rainforest on ascent/descent "track"
12 On Top2-small.jpg
Cushion plants and pools on the summit plateau
8 Down to Oenone-small.jpg
Looking from the Olympus climbing ridge down to Lk Oenone
Two of us had a 3 day trip to Mt Olympus last weekend. It was hot, hard and amazing. We went up from near Echo Point, in brilliant weather (a little TOO brilliant ... very hot!) We used lots of tips from here and elsewhere, but the moral of the story is that when you're off-track (as this walk is), you really have to make your own mistakes. So we added a few navigational variations to those of others, and came back none the worse for it.

I've attached a few photos, but if you want more I've uploaded them to my photobucket site If you'd prefer facebook, try here

I've also posted part of the story on my blog here I add a disclaimer: there are no navigational tips! You'll have to make your own mistakes :wink:



Re: Mt Olympus Trip

Thu 28 Feb, 2013 3:02 pm

Thanks for the shots! It's definitely on my to-do list :)
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