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Some from Cradle (the easy bits) on 2/1/9

Fri 02 Jan, 2009 10:30 pm

I have an excuse- both of my girls (wife and daughter) were sick, so I just took happy snaps from the parking lot. Very pretty though.

I'm playing with photo stitching- the first is like 37 photos done in CS3, the second 20 something, and the third is 28 from memory.

Enjoy, and C&C is most welcome!
Last edited by the_camera_poser on Fri 09 Oct, 2009 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Some from Cradle (the easy bits) on 2/1/9

Fri 23 Jan, 2009 7:31 pm

The first one is my favourite, with the two tracks either side... although Cradle does look rather ominous as it stands in the second. :D


Re: Some from Cradle (the easy bits) on 2/1/9

Fri 23 Jan, 2009 11:25 pm

Nice - I love the first one - blue sky sets it off. :wink: My crappy software maxes out at 16 photos :(

Re: Some from Cradle (the easy bits) on 2/1/9

Sat 24 Jan, 2009 7:17 am

Thanks St Hughes!

I've used PTGui in the past- it's free- and you can merge heaps with it. Photoshop CS3 is way more effective IMHO.

Re: Some from Cradle (the easy bits) on 2/1/9

Wed 28 Jan, 2009 7:29 am

A great series of panos, really like these, and nicely stiched.

Re: Some from Cradle (the easy bits) on 2/1/9

Wed 28 Jan, 2009 9:08 pm

Thanks Mickey!

I actually like this one best- I might play with lightening the foreground and print it!
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