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South West Epic

Mon 21 May, 2007 9:29 pm

The following link is to a heap (over 150) of photos of a walk myself and a couple of mates did a few years ago through the South West. We started at Farmhouse Creek and did a loop of the southwest finishing at Cockle Creek. It rained for the majority of the walk, but it was awesome! ... nn_speed=1

Tue 22 May, 2007 8:22 am

G'day Mowser, and welcome to the forums! :)

Those pictures tell a great story. How long was the walk? I spent 12 days dong the western and eastern arthurs when it rained for 11 of them, but it looks like that was significantly longer and wetter than that!

I've been up federation twice, but never seen any view due to fog/cloud. People tell me I'm lucky, because it's much easier to climb when you can't see how steep and dangerous it is. :D

Tue 22 May, 2007 3:41 pm

We were out there for 26 days in total. Even though it rained most days we had one spectacuarly clear day for PB and a gap in the weather for Federation (it snowed the day we did fed!). I've been in to Federation a few other times in absolutely amazing weather (+30 degree days). I'll post a few photos from those trips at some stage. On a clear day you cant help but look down!

Wed 19 Sep, 2007 8:45 am

Here's an interesting comparison from 1975 - ... nia75.html

Thanks to Norts for the link (in the web resources page) and to David Noble for going there in the first place...

Now I can say I've seen the shelter at Junction Creek.... (it doesn't exist any more).
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