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Walls of Jerusalem, Christmas 2007

Fri 08 Apr, 2011 12:12 am

I found a bunch of footage I'd forgotten about, from a trip to the Walls, back on Boxing Day 2007. This was the boys' first multi-day trip. It's amazing what a difference three years has made - they look and sound so little! The eldest towers over me now.

The frustrating thing for me, cutting the video together now, is that this was one of my first efforts with the video camera, and I keep thinking of all the shots I should have got, or how the ones I did, could have been better. Still, live and learn.

Re: Walls of Jerusalem, Christmas 2007

Wed 04 May, 2011 8:23 pm

The kids certainly look like they enjoyed it overall.

Re: Walls of Jerusalem, Christmas 2007

Fri 06 May, 2011 9:15 am

Thanks for the video Clownfish, I really enjoyed watching it. Brought back memories of taking our kids on the same walk at about the same age.
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