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Central Plateau Walk Photos

Sun 04 May, 2008 12:53 am

In April - I was on a 12 day walk on the Central Plateau - from Higgs Track to the Walls of Jerusalem, then along the Chinamans Plains to the Mountains of Jupiter and the Traveller Range, then to Du Cane Gap, Pine Valley and the Labyrinth and some of the Du Cane Range Peaks. We had very fine weather indeed. A selection of photos has been placed online at - ... kMenu.html

This is some of my favourite country and it was good to return and see it again.


Re: Central Plateau Walk Photos

Sun 04 May, 2008 9:28 am

Fabulous stuff David ... very nice indeed


Re: Central Plateau Walk Photos

Sun 04 May, 2008 9:50 am

That's a great series of snaps. I always look forward to looking through your photos, Dave. I was particularly interested in the Chinaman Plains shots this time, as I'm planning to do some wandering around in this area in 2 weeks time (from a base camp at Lake Meston).

Re: Central Plateau Walk Photos

Sun 04 May, 2008 3:00 pm

Great photos as per usual Dave, they really show the area and how beautiful it is.


Re: Central Plateau Walk Photos

Sun 04 May, 2008 6:32 pm

I've just opened up all of the pages in this series, and my wife and I are going to have a look at them when we're odne with dinner. From what I've seen, you had one heck of a trip. Looks like good weather, too.

Re: Central Plateau Walk Photos

Thu 08 May, 2008 9:09 am

Great photos David, have enjoyed looking at all your photos on the web over the last few years. I particularly enjoy your walks from your younger days.
Interesting to see Les Southwell, I met him and Geoff at High Moor a couple of years ago. An amazing man and I hope I can be be doing the type of trips he does at his age.

Re: Central Plateau Walk Photos

Thu 08 May, 2008 8:58 pm

Dave,I just love the area you walked through.Although I haven't been on the Mountains of Jupiter or the Traveller Range, I have walked the rest of it ,with the mid section of it many times.
Mostly my trips have been for fishing, but in more recent times fishing has often been a secondry concern.
Hopefully next summer I will be back there again.
That camping spot at Gwendy is pretty special, sheltered with a great view from the hill behind.

Cheers Fly Fisher

Re: Central Plateau Walk Photos

Sat 10 May, 2008 11:24 am

Wow that was spectacular! Makes me want to start packing my gear.
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