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Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Tue 28 Aug, 2012 5:51 pm
by Pteropus
Spring is just around the corner, and it is already warming up! Well here in south-east Qld it is :D
In some parts the Acacias and other pea flowering plants have already begun to blossom, and over the next few months the bush will be flowering its head off!

I have recently taken a few pics already but encourage people to post interesting flower and fruit photos from their bushwalking adventures here.

No need to ID if you are unsure on species. Feel free to correct any mistakes on my ID if you see any.
Enjoy :D

Hardenbergia violaceae.JPG
Hardenbergia violaceae
Hardenbergia violaceae.JPG (322.72 KiB) Viewed 40373 times

Hovea acutifolia.JPG
Hovea acutifolia

Hovea  tholiformis.JPG
Hovea tholiformis

Acacia fimbriata.JPG
Acacia fimbriata

003 Acacia sp.JPG
003 Acacia sp.

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Tue 28 Aug, 2012 5:54 pm
by Pteropus
Some more

Eucalyptus sideroxylon .JPG
Eucalyptus sideroxylon
Eucalyptus sideroxylon .JPG (323.31 KiB) Viewed 40371 times

Callistemon viminalis.JPG
Callistemon viminalis

352 Estrephus.JPG
Eustrephus latifolius
352 Estrephus.JPG (356.62 KiB) Viewed 40371 times

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Wed 29 Aug, 2012 3:38 pm
by phan_TOM
Heres a small selection of flowers from 3 consecutive Springtime trips to Girraween, '09 - '11, hoping to add to my collection for '12 :)

September at Girraween.jpg
September at Girraween

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Wed 29 Aug, 2012 4:38 pm
by Graham51
This hakea was actually blooming in May/June at Lucky Bay WA, but is one of the prettiest wild flowers I have seen.

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Wed 29 Aug, 2012 6:29 pm
by gayet
Wildflowers will have to wait till the weekend but....

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Thu 30 Aug, 2012 9:47 pm
by MickyB
Great photos Pteropus

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 03 Sep, 2012 9:20 am
by phan_TOM
The Davidson's Plum in my backyard is busily flowering, pity the fruit aren't as tasty as they look!

Last years plums
Davidsons-plum.jpg (391.77 KiB) Viewed 40229 times

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 03 Sep, 2012 9:47 am
by Pteropus
Nice one Tom. I concur that they don't taste as nice as they look (which is the case for many native fruit imho). However, several years ago I tasted some Davidson's Plum wine (or perhaps it was port?) up at the Yungaburra Market on the Atherton Tablelands. I remember it being quite nice too!

On the wildflower front, I had hoped to get out to Mainrange yesterday to see the bush in blossom, but ended up waking up half-dead...I hope it wasn't due to Spring allergies! (Never been allergic to a plant in my life and am not about to start!! Touch wood...<-possible irony? haha)

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 03 Sep, 2012 10:00 am
by phan_TOM
They are incredibly sour and, being a bit of a practical joker, I get a kick out of offering them to any unwary visitors :twisted: Their cheeks do a very similar thing to one of Julius Sumner Millers atmospheric pressure experiments on 44 gallon drums :lol:

Saying that though, an organic farmer friend of mine makes a syrup out of them (he must use a ton of sugar) which is delicious especially on pancakes or icecream, I'd love to try the wine or port!

Pteropus wrote:but ended up waking up half-dead

You didn't have a craving for brains on toast by chance?

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 03 Sep, 2012 10:15 am
by stepbystep
Graham51 wrote:This hakea was actually blooming in May/June at Lucky Bay WA, but is one of the prettiest wild flowers I have seen.

One of my favourites from the homeland, so much so I planted one in my garden in Hobart 5 years ago. This year it flowered for the first time. Beautiful!

The birds like them too :)

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 03 Sep, 2012 11:36 am
by phan_TOM
They are spectacular, even the leaves are pretty amazing.

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 03 Sep, 2012 1:00 pm
by whynotwalk
Some beautiful shots in this lovely thread. Well done Dan, Tom, Gay, pteropus, Graham and anyone I missed.

It's been an amazing wattle season in Tassie. Here are some pix from South Hobart and around Lilydale (northern Tas). I also put some words around it here



Wattle wide.jpg
Wattle in Paddock2.jpg
Wattle + Vine.jpg
Small Wattle closeup2.jpg
Small Wattle closeup2.jpg (553.31 KiB) Viewed 40209 times
Wattle Valley2.jpg

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 03 Sep, 2012 5:34 pm
by Graham51
stepbystep wrote:
Graham51 wrote:This hakea was actually blooming in May/June at Lucky Bay WA, but is one of the prettiest wild flowers I have seen.

One of my favourites from the homeland, so much so I planted one in my garden in Hobart 5 years ago. This year it flowered for the first time. Beautiful!

The birds like them too :)

We have recently moved to the Old Beach area - well away from the river - where we get some serious frosts. I had planted some of the hakeas at our old house but I'm not sure they will cope with the cold winters here. Any idea?

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 03 Sep, 2012 6:19 pm
by stepbystep
Graham51 wrote:
stepbystep wrote:
Graham51 wrote:This hakea was actually blooming in May/June at Lucky Bay WA, but is one of the prettiest wild flowers I have seen.

One of my favourites from the homeland, so much so I planted one in my garden in Hobart 5 years ago. This year it flowered for the first time. Beautiful!

The birds like them too :)

We have recently moved to the Old Beach area - well away from the river - where we get some serious frosts. I had planted some of the hakeas at our old house but I'm not sure they will cope with the cold winters here. Any idea?

I'm not much of a gardener. Well drained soil, sunny, wind protected position. I'm in Lindisfarne, we get the odd frost and these guys should cope. You get plenty of frosts in the SW of WA.

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Sat 29 Sep, 2012 10:44 am
by phan_TOM
whynotwalk wrote:Some beautiful shots in this lovely thread

Those wattles are pretty spectacular Peter, I especially like the second shot, what a show-off!

Heres a couple more, I'm not exactly sure what they all are though...
QLD Silver Wattle

A lilly Pilly?
Spring-1.jpg (290.54 KiB) Viewed 40005 times

old-man-gum-1.jpg (581.44 KiB) Viewed 40005 times

old-man-gum-2.jpg (363.07 KiB) Viewed 40005 times

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Sat 29 Sep, 2012 11:00 am
by phan_TOM
& heres a few shots of a Coolamon Syzygium moorei before and during flowering. They don't seem to flower every year, or even every second year but when they do it is a spectacular sight. Thanks to the huge effort that went in to deforestation combined with their limited natural distribution the Coolamon is listed as Vulnerable, more here.
Coolamon-1.jpg (436.95 KiB) Viewed 40003 times


Coolamon-3.jpg (386.47 KiB) Viewed 40003 times


Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 01 Oct, 2012 10:39 pm
by Pteropus
Some flowers from the Steamers, Main Range National Park
Prostanthera ovalifolia
Prostanthera.JPG (356.75 KiB) Viewed 39948 times

Leucopogon lanceolatus
Leucopogon.JPG (380.18 KiB) Viewed 39948 times

Dendrobium orchid.JPG
Dendrobium kingianum

Dendrobium kingianum
Dendrobium.JPG (609.21 KiB) Viewed 39948 times

probably trochocarpa.JPG
Trochocarpa laurina (I think)

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Tue 02 Oct, 2012 12:56 pm
by phan_TOM
Bloomin' lovely Pteropus. I love those rock orchids, they add such a splash of colour to the rocks they grow on.

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Sun 21 Oct, 2012 9:25 pm
by Pteropus
Clearly this photo wasn’t taken in the bush, but I think it is a nice one for this album since it is one of our most spectacular flowering plants and one of my favourite trees. A flame tree, Brachychiton acerifolius flowering its head off at the University of Queensland. Flame trees are relatively common in sub-tropical/tropical rainforests of eastern Australia, from the Illawarra region south of Sydney (it is often called an ‘Illawarra Flame Tree’) to north Queensland. They generally drop their leaves prior to flowering, like this one has. If I find one flowering in a rainforest I will try to get a photo. It is quite spectacular to see them, bright red, in a sea of green on the side of a rainforested valley! Inspiration for a walk in the forest me thinks!
418 Flame tree.JPG
Brachychiton acerifolius

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 22 Oct, 2012 10:39 am
by beachcruiser
I've been lurking around this forum for a while now but this is my first post since my intro post.

Saw lots of spring colour while walking around the Mt Bushwalker area in Morton National Park, NSW on the weekend, I'm no botanist so don't know the names but always keen to learn if someone can identify them for me, here are a couple of shots I thought worth sharing:

Purple - Morton National Park 21 October 2012
MC1.jpg (88.79 KiB) Viewed 39581 times

Pink - Morton National Park 21 October 2012
MC2.jpg (81.58 KiB) Viewed 39581 times

Yellow - Morton National Park 21 October 2012
MC3.jpg (152.85 KiB) Viewed 39581 times

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 22 Oct, 2012 11:13 am
by eggs
Not up with flower names I am afraid, but there were some out on our Heysen Trail walk:

Loved how this valley looked like a glacier of Lillies [Yeh - its a weed :(]

There were lots of lillies covering valley floors

A Native orchid [Edit: Bull Dog Orchid]

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 22 Oct, 2012 11:17 am
by eggs
Being a coastal walk - there was some pig face out.
Pig Face on the hillside

A rare couple of pines had their "flowers" out

Lots of these in an area recovering from fires

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 22 Oct, 2012 11:19 am
by eggs
Our friends called this ground cover a Running Postman
Running Postman [aka Kenedia prostrata ]

Spider orchid found in the Adelaide Hills

ps - Running Postman is Kenedia prostrata
And there was one more quite striking flower I meant to add:

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 22 Oct, 2012 11:31 am
by Pteropus
Hi beachcruiser, welcome. Nice photos. I am very rusty on my Sydney-region sandstone flora but I can give you some names.

1. Patersonia sericea – native iris/purple flag
2. The second flower could be an Epacris of some sort, but I am not sure. Will check later.
3. This is most likely Isopogon anemonifolius - drumsticks

Eggs, great photos! Even if all those Arum lilies are chocking that creek. I think your 'running postman' is a Kenedia prostrata perhaps?

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 22 Oct, 2012 12:15 pm
by beachcruiser
Thanks Pteropus, I'll try to remember those names, "drumsticks" should be easy to remember that's exactly what they look like!
I took many more photos but it was quite windy so hard to get nice clear pics...

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 22 Oct, 2012 12:21 pm
by Pteropus
beachcruiser wrote:Thanks Pteropus, I'll try to remember those names, "drumsticks" should be easy to remember that's exactly what they look like!
I took many more photos but it was quite windy so hard to get nice clear pics...

No worries beachcruiser. Yeah, it can be hard to get your subjects to stay still in even the slightest breeze!

eggs wrote:And there was one more quite striking flower I meant to add:

Eggs, this looks like a Myoporum. Possibly M. insulare?

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Mon 22 Oct, 2012 12:42 pm
by eggs
Yes Pteropus
Very likely Myoporum - maybe insulare or perhaps acuminatum?

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Sun 04 Nov, 2012 1:16 pm
by Pteropus
A couple of flowers from Mt Barney
009 Helichrysum.JPG
Coronidium (Helichrysum) lindsayanum

041 Melaleuca.JPG
Melaleuca pallida - lemon bottlebrush

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Sat 14 Sep, 2013 3:59 pm
by Pteropus
It's spring and the wild flowers are out. Some photos from Heathcote National Park this morning
010 Daviesia.JPG
I am sure this is Daviesia corymbosa
010 Daviesia.JPG (311.03 KiB) Viewed 37449 times

011 Grevillea longifolia.JPG
Grevillea longifolia
011 Grevillea longifolia.JPG (400.38 KiB) Viewed 37449 times

012 Epacris longiflora.JPG
Epacris longiflora

013 Hakea salicifolia.JPG
Hakea salicifolia

014 Doryanthes excelsa.JPG
Doryanthes excelsa
014 Doryanthes excelsa.JPG (389.5 KiB) Viewed 37449 times

Re: Spring flowers and fruits

PostPosted: Sat 14 Sep, 2013 7:48 pm
by MickyB
Nice photos Pteropus. You are correct - the first photo is Daviesia corymbosa.