Lake Price

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Lake Price

Postby kantonysen » Sat 20 Oct, 2007 5:41 pm

Lake Price is well worth visiting when going on Arm River track to Pelion Plains.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 20 Oct, 2007 5:52 pm

Is that the one almost right off the track? How far from the track is it? (Nice pic too!) Can't be bothered looking at a map right now (I must be sick, or something).
Son of a Beach
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Postby kantonysen » Sat 20 Oct, 2007 7:37 pm

Must be about 20 -30 metres off the track. It takes about an hour from the car park to get there; about a third of the way into Pelion hut.
It was a great day except for loosing a fly box.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 20 Oct, 2007 8:03 pm

OK, I think I may have had lunch there the first time I did the Arm River track.

Sorry to hear about your flies... speaking of which, I just watched "Flushed Away". Crack up movie!
Son of a Beach
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Lake Price

Postby flyfisher » Sun 21 Oct, 2007 5:08 am

Looks like a great polaroiding day Keith ,did you see (catch) any fish. I saw 2 nice ones when I was passing a couple of years ago.

Have you tried the lakes further up the Wurragarra system.

Great shot of Mt. Pillinger, have you been up there.


Last edited by flyfisher on Sun 21 Oct, 2007 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Postby kantonysen » Sun 21 Oct, 2007 8:01 am

I climbed Mount Pillinger some years ago, great views of Mt Ossa etc.

I saw quite a number of 1/2 pounders and smaller. When I was packing up I realized that I had lost my flies and by that time had packed up my rod. I went off to the spot where I thought I might have lost the flies, and Murphies law operated. I saw a decent size trout without having a rod.
I lost a number of red tags, midge patterns and some new jelly nymphs that I had not previously used.
I hope to go to the Lakes further up February Plains some time in the future.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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