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Mt Field West

PostPosted: Sun 13 Sep, 2009 3:52 pm
by bcshort
IMG_3060-3064.jpg (45.92 KiB) Viewed 3556 times

As advertised elsewhere on this forum (I think!), I went up to Mt Field yesterday to take some pictures of waterfalls for possible inclusion in a calendar I thought I was going to do. As it stands, all photos of said waterfalls were a complete write-off due to higher-than-normal flows in the creeks from the overnight rain resulting to way too much mist that liked to "fog up" the lens.

What I did get though was this panorama of Mt Field West with a healthy coat of snow. A larger version may be found at

As with most of my trip related stories - I learnt 3 things:

1) I am missing my wireless remote shutter trigger. Trip to Stallards tomorrow.
2) Sometimes all the camera gear in the world will not beat an 8 year old point & shoot camera. A friend easily got the best shots of the day on my old Powershot G3.
3) PWS need to run a grader over the first few kms of Lake Dobson Rd. I enjoyed the slippery ruts, the corrugations not so much. :)

Re: Mt Field West

PostPosted: Sun 13 Sep, 2009 4:20 pm
by Steve
Nice shot Ben!

Re: Mt Field West

PostPosted: Sun 13 Sep, 2009 8:29 pm
by walkinTas
bcshort wrote:All photos of said waterfalls were a complete write-off due to higher-than-normal flows in the creeks from the overnight rain resulting to way too much mist that liked to "fog up" the lens.
Yeah Ben, had the same problem at a couple of waterfalls lately. Its hard to find that perfect spot sometimes. :D

The panorama is beautiful.

Re: Mt Field West

PostPosted: Sun 13 Sep, 2009 9:00 pm
by bcshort
Thanks Steve, walkinTas.

I thought I had this really clever idea of having a "Waterfalls of Tasmania" 2010 Calendar for publication by end of October.. I maybe have only 6 or 7 print quality images here. Yesterday was supposed to be a tick for another three, with 2 more this weekend (Snug & Pelverata). Thats all been thrown into disarray, and I may be forced to spend weekend or two up north to get Liffey, Saint Columbia, Guide & Dip Falls.