Smokey Sunset

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Smokey Sunset

Postby Mickeymoo » Tue 18 Mar, 2008 11:18 am

Gday all, I went for a little drive down the road to Mortimer Bay to take some photos of the smokey sunset lastnight, they turned out alright even though I should have been there a little earlier to get the sinking red orb :mrgreen:







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Re: Smokey Sunset

Postby tasdaz » Tue 18 Mar, 2008 6:25 pm

Stunning photos. You have certainly found a very nice spot there to take them. I was wondering where your photo competition pic was taken, now I know. The secret is out!!
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Re: Smokey Sunset

Postby Mickeymoo » Tue 18 Mar, 2008 7:24 pm

oops did I say mortimer bay, I must have been confused :lol: thanks Tazdaz it is a great little spot about 10mins drive from home and you hardly ever see anyone else there which is a bonus, I have been spending a lot of time lately round this way taking photos all along the shore but these ones are probably some of my favourites from round there.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Smokey Sunset

Postby Joe » Tue 18 Mar, 2008 8:15 pm

Its one of those wonderful 'secret' spots that most of the local photographers know and love. Ive seen quite a few shots on another forum im member on that has a stunner of that fence...and it pops up occasionally at camera club and work. Ive always meant to search it out and try for sommat different with it (not sure what yet) my fav of all shots of it is now the last one of yours with the birds on it. They add another dimenension to an already great shot. I rekon with some careful slight photoshop that last one would be a framer :)
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Re: Smokey Sunset

Postby flyfisher » Tue 18 Mar, 2008 8:22 pm

Great shots M M ,I'll have to check out that fence one evening. I'll leave my camera at home , you'r doin fine.
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Re: Smokey Sunset

Postby Mickeymoo » Thu 20 Mar, 2008 3:52 pm

Thanks guys, it's not really a secret spot its just off the main road by 100m! but I suppose its part of being local and spending a lot of time in the area :) if you need help finding it I can point you in the right direction. Flyfisher it would be a sin to leave your camer at home!! not a bad spot for photographing birds too, but I don't have the glass to do that yet :mrgreen:

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