Promoting Sponsors

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Promoting Sponsors

Postby TerraMer » Tue 18 Jun, 2013 12:11 pm

Hi :)

Which is the best and most appropriate topic to mention my sponsors and business supporters?

Solo unaccompanied walk around Australia
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Promoting Sponsors

Postby Nuts » Thu 20 Jun, 2013 10:38 pm

Would have thought here Terra: viewforum.php?f=27 ?
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Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Promoting Sponsors

Postby TerraMer » Fri 21 Jun, 2013 9:15 am

Thanks Nuts,

If a sponsorship is a bit more general than that, eg, Powertraveller, is it appropriate to mention that they are a sponsor if/when I open a thread about their gear in the equipment topic?

Is it more or less ethical to only mention the equipment and company without mentioning sponsorship and support or does it make no difference? Is that what other people do?

Solo unaccompanied walk around Australia
Sponsored by The Australian Geographic Society
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Promoting Sponsors

Postby FatCanyoner » Mon 24 Jun, 2013 11:23 pm

TerraMer wrote:Is it more or less ethical to only mention the equipment and company without mentioning sponsorship and support or does it make no difference?

If there is any sponsorship / commercial arrangement it should be disclosed. If you don't, and people find out, you lose all credibility. Better to just put a note at the end say "by the way, blah blah company is a sponsor". It removes any hint of 'cash for comment'.
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Re: Promoting Sponsors

Postby Nuts » Tue 25 Jun, 2013 4:37 pm

Yeah, seems the best approach to me as well. Mention the sponsor thing 'somewhere' if your talking about gear. Unless you specifically want to talk about the product i'd say just to mention any deal in passing would do ie if you want to mention the gear in a general topic about a walk... or if only some items are sponsor deals if your listing your gear for a walk.. just mention it somewhere in that topic rather than posting your sponsorship arrangement in a specific topic -where people would likely easily miss the relationship (if you then go on to talk about the gear in other threads).

That make sense? :) Of course if you do expect one or two major sponsors you could always give the association in your avatar... avoid any 'loss of credibility' that way.
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Lagarostrobos franklinii
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