GAME: Where am I?

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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 9:47 pm

I think what tasadam is trying to say is that this photo is not from the top.
But looking at my photos the general direction is right.
So I can only conclude that since the eyeline is not correct, but that it still appears to be higher than the base of the cliff, that this photo was taken some way up the actual cliff face.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 9:52 pm

I meant "not as easy".
Take another look.
Here's a big clue.
Here is what the view likes from Frenchmans summit...
Note the differences and try again...
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:05 pm

eggs wrote:I think what tasadam is trying to say is that this photo is not from the top.
But looking at my photos the general direction is right.
So I can only conclude that since the eyeline is not correct, but that it still appears to be higher than the base of the cliff, that this photo was taken some way up the actual cliff face.

Well I did say "not as easy"!
This was my birthday in 2005. We met Gerry Narkowicz and Garn Cooper and they climbed the face. Gerry had a big and heavy slide camera and he was going to leave it behind, so we loaned him the Olympus P&S that we had at the time.
Here is the image they took of Tania and I immediately before they took the photo I submitted...
P2277962.JPG (65.09 KiB) Viewed 33211 times

And here's a little image I put together from them at the time...
halfway-up.gif (999.37 KiB) Viewed 33211 times

There are actually a few photos in his book that came from my camera - one of Garn on the cliff that they took, and some of the face itself that I took.

I also found my images of the face from a couple of angles used HERE which is cool!Happy to let Gerry use them - nice bloke.
I have the originals if anyone wants to see em.

Over to you again eggs!
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Nick S » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:08 pm

I did wonder if you were a climber. I wouldv'e just assumed that it was taken while you were base jumping off the edge..
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:14 pm

That was certainly different.
It does appear that Friday pm and Saturday will be a quiet period.
[Might be just 2 or 3 looking in - after all we are supposed to be going out/walking/having a life?]
I am noticing how to check who is looking and whether they are in the process of commenting.
That helps to stop message crossover, but it is not foolproof :)

I got into trouble with that last one - so this will be easier.
Morning panorama of Cradle Mountain from near Scott Kilvert Hut
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:15 pm

Nick S wrote:I did wonder if you were a climber. I wouldv'e just assumed that it was taken while you were base jumping off the edge..

Yes I saw that in your edit, so was wondering if I should have awarded that to you... Sorry.
No, haven't given base jumping a go, voluntary or otherwise :)

WalkinTas what do you reckon about a small rule change - posts are not allowed to be edited in this topic but new posts added, that way it will keep it chronological and if someone works something out milliseconds too late, it's easy to see who got in first with what the Photographer was looking for?

What do others think of that idea?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Nick S » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:19 pm

ahh dont bother. just making a joke

i reckon this next one is taken from the car villa carpark
hmm actually no, i dont know :P
Last edited by Nick S on Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:20 pm

There's some vaguely familiar looking bumpy bits in that photo eggs, but I can't place them.
At first I was thinking that saddle to the left looks very much like K Col near Mt Field, but if it was you would be standing in a deep ravine, which you're not because you're among the trees.
So I might have to sleep on it. Gotta get up early and make coffee.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:27 pm

There has been a bit of editing going on.
I know I have often gone back to correct spelling, but in general I have not seen anyone trying to "cheat."
The other edits have generally been after the solution has been given to better explain what was going on or correct something.
I think that the spirit here is good - even if some are a little peeved at missing out by seconds etc.

If the rule changed I would just have to leave spelling errors rather than multiply posts.
I would certainly not have been troubled if you had given this last one to Nick.
And I enjoy working through them even if I don't get an answer in or don't know where a place is.

Gosh - with you the only 2 up I might have to put the other one I had in to complete the picture - same spot:
Could have been stitched to increase the panorama - except it was a bit later in the morning.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 10:35 pm

I know I have often gone back to correct spelling, but in general I have not seen anyone trying to "cheat."
Yeah, that's not what I implied, and it certainly is in good spirit - it's a game not a competition. My intention with that thought was to make it easy to see who got in first that's all. With Nick's question re the rock climbing I wasn't sure whether to give it to him. But that was in an edit so I don't know about the timing, and in any case it was retrospect - I saw it after I had posted my (long, pictorial) answer.
You're right about the spelling etc - I do it too, so if there was consensus for a change perhaps it should be to say that if you have another guess, make another post.
But as has been said if it ain't broke don't fix it.

I see you called this image Sunrise.
That must mean you are facing roughly northwest or west, depending on time of year....
Doesn't help me at the moment though. Good night :)
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby walkinTas » Fri 19 Jun, 2009 11:22 pm

tasadam wrote:WalkinTas what do you reckon about a small rule change - posts are not allowed to be edited in this topic but new posts added, that way it will keep it chronological and if someone works something out milliseconds too late, it's easy to see who got in first with what the Photographer was looking for?

What do others think of that idea?

Thanks for the PM Adam. I did miss the question in my hurry to catch-up with game. It is probably best if Players don't edit after someone else has guessed, but rather submit a new post with their edited guess (if necessary).

I'm always going back to edit... mostly spelling (like Eggs mentioned). And I'm doing it right now. But with the speed of this game it is best to keep moving forward.

Can the edit function be turned off for this one Board?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 7:04 am

eggs wrote:I am noticing how to check who is looking and whether they are in the process of commenting.
You can see who is in the current topic - generally I leave many tabs open at a time even when I'm not home so that one isn't foolproof - just means I only need to refresh when I get home / come back to it to see if there's any change.

But how do you tell who is in the process of commenting? That's new to me.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 7:13 am

It's Cradle from down Rodway.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 7:37 am

My northwest / west deduction helped me figure that out. The penny dropped like a brick!

OK, nobody playing the game but me at the moment, so I have confirmed my answer - I have located this post by eggs with the same picture -

So assuming that is right, to keep it moving here's the next one...
Can someone do me a favour with this one and name the peaks in front of the well known one in the background?
Especially that pointy one to the left of the bra shaped ones :roll: - it's been bothering me for a while but too lazy to troll my maps.

D2C_1032 (Custom).JPG

Now, since I'm the only one playing, I might have a guess and say... Nah, I won't. I can wait for people to awake or return from walks or....
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby norts » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 8:30 am

Perrins Bluff?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 8:40 am

norts wrote:Perrins Bluff?

Yep. A great day it was too.
Any idea what that lump of rock is that I referred to?

Your go.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 8:43 am

Yeah - I reckon Norts is right
Your pointy one is part of the High Dome - it probably has a seperate name, but that is the signature I use to identify High Dome

As for what people are doing - at the bottom of each page on the left is a tab called "who is online"
If you click on it, a table comes up showing not only who is online, but which forum and whether they are looking or adding
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby norts » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 8:45 am

Not sure and its too early in the day to get out my maps. Trying to eat b/fast at the moment. Did you get to it from Thetis?
I have been thinking of doing a circuit Thetis Achilles,side trip to Perrins then on to Pelion West.

DSCN2846 (Large).JPG
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 9:03 am

That many lakes and stuff, all among bare ground indicating altitude, I guess you're out in the Lost World somewhere east/southeast of the walls.
I don't know it well enough to pinpoint any more than that.

EDIT I don't think it's called the lost world, going to check...

We spent 8 days 7 nights on a wonderful trip covering Arm River track to Frog Flats, Pelion West & return to FF, Leonards Tarn direct route, surrounding peaks Achilles and heel, Perrins and the unnamed peak, then up the side of Thetis, across the top and down around Paddys Nut to the saddle, then a quick visit to the nut then down the Thetis track to the Overland track, back to Lake Ayr for the last night then out.
One word - INTENSE!
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby norts » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 9:08 am

Any reason you didnt go from Pelion around to Achilles following the ridge.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 9:23 am

norts wrote:Any reason you didn't go from Pelion around to Achilles following the ridge.

Because our tent was still set up at Frog Flats...
We only wanted to do Pelion West as a day walk.
[sarcasm on]Glad we did too - bashing through the scrub with full packs and wet weather gear and double dosing of leech repellent to get to Leonards Tarn from Frog Flats was OH so much fun [sarcasm off]
Seriously, we were only going to do PW as a day walk but were in two minds as to whether to go to Leonards Tarn direct or via Thetis track. We did it right - Frog Flats via Thetis track to the tarn would be a pretty big day and I reckon we would have camped sooner. It was still a pretty sapping day and definitely off track, thick, compass needed. Often. Sometimes every few steps, such was the clambering amongst the vegetation.

Anyhow, that's nothing to do with your photo that I have been looking at and thinking maybe top end of Traveller Range looking east but haven't pinpointed yet, was going to go satellite view but think I will leave it for someone else because I don't know it.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 9:24 am

Looks a bit like Little Throne (and Lake Little Throne)... which would place you on the Blue Peaks?

EDIT: Ie, taken from here...
Blue Peak.jpg
Blue Peak.jpg (14.62 KiB) Viewed 33158 times
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 9:28 am

Good thing we made this topic a sticky, so that it doesn't drop down the list of active topics.

I checked in this morning and found 2 1/2 pages unread in this topic!
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 9:36 am

walkinTas wrote:Can the edit function be turned off for this one Board?

It can't be turned off just for a single topic, but it can be turned off for a single forum. In theory I could create a new games and competitions forum in which people cannot edit their posts (and move this topic and all the photo competitions and other competitions to it).
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby norts » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 9:57 am

Blue Peaks, well done SOB
Over to you Red leader
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 10:12 am

Woo-hoo! I was pretty stoked to have finally got a guess in after only 12 pages. Getting it right is a bonus.

OK, I think this one will be pretty easy for some people, but I don't have a lot of digital photos to choose from. So...
Where Am I.png
Where Am I ?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 12:24 pm

I think Saturdays will be particularly quiet.
Perhaps this game will reduce to 1 a day over time.

Well, all that research on Mary Creek Plains for an earlier photo leads me to think this is Flat Bluff looking towards Mt Mary.
And I know you have been there :)

And tasadam, The LIST shows High Dome as the name for all 3 peaks - including the pointy one!
The most that could be added is that this particular peak overlooks "the Amphitheatre"
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby the_camera_poser » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 12:31 pm

You guys are junkies.

But then, it's a heck of a way to see a lot of Tassie bush from my computer desk!

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 12:43 pm

Eggs is right.

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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 20 Jun, 2009 12:44 pm

Yes, I think weekends will be particularly quiet. And I suspected that Adams earlier photo from a little further below where this one was taken might help to give it away for anyone who hasn't been there.

Yes, this is from the top of Flat Bluff.

So your on again, Eggs!
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