Mobile site next button

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Mobile site next button

Postby icefest » Sun 19 Jan, 2014 11:21 am

I use the mobile site a lot on my phone.
I often find myself not realizing that there is another thread page and then post a less than relevant post.
Is there anyone else that has this problem?

If I am the only one I'll grin and bear it but if not, please chime in.

If there are others, I'd suggest a next button aligned to the right next to the quick reply button.

If there is no one else that needs one then please don't do it just for me - I'll try to hack myself one as a user-side script.
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Re: Mobile site next button

Postby Strider » Sun 19 Jan, 2014 12:03 pm

Are you not keen on Tapatalk?
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Re: Mobile site next button

Postby wildwalks » Mon 20 Jan, 2014 5:01 pm

Hey Icefest
Interesting idea. I wonder if next would be a little confusing though??
If you click on "go" on the jump to: it effectively takes you up one level -- the benefit of this is you can then see any "new post" buttons.
(is that helpful??)

Glad you are using the mobile interface -- it is what I use most of the time.
I know some people still love tapatalk too :)

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