GAME: Where am I?

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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby stu » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 11:54 am

Heading for the summit of Mt. Rufus by the looks of it?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Phil » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 12:04 pm

again, due to my lack of bush walking experience, I might just have to be a spectator for this one :D
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby kramster » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 12:10 pm

Well done stubowling - you get the yellow guernsey for this one :)
I remember walking up this ridge in an insane headwind... at times having to lean into it at about 45deg (and hope the gust didn't cut-out)

Over to you...
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby stu » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 12:19 pm

Cheers kramster.
This one should not be too hard, just to keep things moving along.
mystery 2.jpg
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby MJD » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 12:37 pm

Lots Wife looking at Sarah Jane, Lightning Ridge, Lot & Anne.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby stu » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 12:39 pm

Spot on Martin, a great little peak & a fantastic area.
See you in the morning, be sure to pack all the wet weather gear!
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby MJD » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 12:48 pm

Might have to seal a few holes in the waterproof trousers :) .

Where was this taken from:
M2009G005 (Large).jpg
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby ashlee » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 3:22 pm

I am loving this forum! What an awesome idea!
Must admit that I'm addicted as well, even if I am just spectating.
Fantastic phots as well guys!
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 3:50 pm

yes - the last 2 photos have been particularly nice.
Thanks MJD & stubowling

MJD - is this one looking up the side of Wylds Craig from Birds Saddle?
I can see the Thumbs, Mt Wright & Mt Mueller in the distance.
Mt Anne is probably under cloud.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby MJD » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 5:52 pm

Eggs - close enough. It was a little further away - Darkes Peak. Sorry about the delay but I got stuck in a meeting - it's a bit sad when work interferes :roll:
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 6:29 pm

Hmm - that angle was deceptive then, as it sort of looks to mostly be going up from the camera, but obviously the foreground must be dropping away!

Anyway - anyone else can put up the next one - feel free.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby MJD » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 6:54 pm

To keep things ticking over....
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 7:05 pm

Wow - I could sit back on just enjoy each photo you keep putting up MJD
Magnificent. Are you using a Hubba Hubba?

First thought was Traveller Range, just above Lake St Clair, but looking more closely at the way the peaks line up I can see that is wrong....
I wonder how quiet it will get this weekend?

I know a few have dropped off after the initial surge, others have been walking and of course some work.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby MJD » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 7:34 pm

Thanks. As you say, not the Traveller range. It is a Hubba Hubba and I'm very happy with it. Light but roomy. Just bought a Nemo Gogo Bivy - lighter but less roomy, very well made and was ok camping under Barn Bluff a couple of weeks ago.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby stepbystep » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 7:55 pm

eggs wrote:Wow - I could sit back on just enjoy each photo you keep putting up MJD
Magnificent. Are you using a Hubba Hubba?

I know a few have dropped off after the initial surge, others have been walking and of course some work.

We haven't dropped off, we're just sitting back admiring the shots, and I for one have only picked about 6 pics since it started :(
Must get out more.......
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 8:05 pm

OK - it sounds like MJD is off hiking tomorrow, so I will suggest he is camped on top of Mt Olympus - Northern section
The photo is looking North (probably telephoto given how near Mt Gould looks)
This spot is on an autumn wish list
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby MJD » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 9:03 pm

Eggs - right again. I was camped quite close to the highest point. Great spot in good weather.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 9:19 pm

Not sure how often I will be checking in - but here is another one

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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby walkinTas » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 9:26 pm

A guess. Is it the edge of Lake Bill looking up at Rogoona?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 9:51 pm

Yes - that's right walkinTas

You're up
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby walkinTas » Fri 03 Jul, 2009 10:07 pm

If you are busting to have a turn, this should be your chance. Hint: SOB has been here!
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby walkinTas » Sat 04 Jul, 2009 11:13 am

Perhaps its harder than I thought! Its very close to one of the recent pictures.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Sat 04 Jul, 2009 12:05 pm

Apart from the give away clue, I think Little Hugel and Gould's Sugerloaf are recognisable.
So not that hard.

More relevant is that the game can not sustain a continuous huge turn around.
It needs a new batch of devotees.
If others are like me, then they had lots to do this morning - away from a computer.
And in SA we now have school holidays, which will mean longer periods away.
I think - just be patient - it may get down to one a day - but that still means a lot of interesting photos and descriptions over time.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 04 Jul, 2009 1:06 pm

I almost feel a bit mean trying here, but is it from the Rufus side of the saddle between Mt Rufus and Mt Hugel, with Mt Hugel the big close one? Ie on the track up the North side of Mt Rufus?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby walkinTas » Sat 04 Jul, 2009 1:52 pm

Sorry about the delay. but I had to buy a new hinge for the cupboard. :)

Correct Nik. You're up.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 04 Jul, 2009 3:36 pm

OK, I think this one will be easy for those who've spent a lot of time there, but it may be a bit tricky to guess for those who've not been there, due to the lack of distinctive landmarks.

Where am I?

Where Am I.jpg
Where Am I.jpg (82.2 KiB) Viewed 11896 times
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Sat 04 Jul, 2009 4:34 pm

You're not windsurfing on the Tamar again Nik?
Nah, couldn't be... Too much sun and not enough mud :mrgreen:
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby wello » Sat 04 Jul, 2009 4:36 pm

Lake St Clair, looking South?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Sat 04 Jul, 2009 5:47 pm

Are you looking North up Lake Meston?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Nick S » Sat 04 Jul, 2009 6:07 pm

ahh eggs, just what i was thinking as i scrolled down the page. reckon you're right
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