Mount Barney / Main Range

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Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby SHC73 » Tue 09 Jun, 2020 6:56 pm

Looking for some suggestions of an off track overnight trip from the Barney/ Main Range specialists!

Looking forward to getting out again (and trying out a new hammock) and am looking for a nice ridge / creek combo. Have done a few bits in Mt Barney - up Logans down Peasants, circuit of Lower to Upper Portals a few different ways, up Montserrat to Focal Peak, down into Ballow Creek and out via Mt Barney Creek.

So looking for any suggestions of a nice hill and creek circuit. Has anyone ventured into the upper reaches of Cronan Creek above Cronan Falls? Otherwise I might look at a Paddy, Mt May, Barney Creek circuit option?

Have never ventured into Main Range so open to any suggestions.

Appreciate any help!!
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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby Equivocator » Tue 09 Jun, 2020 9:05 pm

Bomber / Lizard Point / Steamers loop in Main Range is pretty good. There is a footpad for most of it but quite a few sections you're doing some minor route finding.
You can find water (somewhat) near Lizard Point Camp, but it's ~800m west down a creek line before it's reliable.

Plenty of trees at Lizard Point Camp for a hang, it's <10min from Lizard Point for the Sunset/Sunrise views if you want them.
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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby CBee » Tue 09 Jun, 2020 9:28 pm

Up Eagles Ridge, down Barney waterfall creek. Doable without a rope if you scout.
Up and past Cronan falls is thick scrub and the creek choked with debris every 10 metres. But is pretty.
Paddy, Mt May, Barney Creek circuit is ok but pretty uneventful and boring at times.
Up Savages ridge is easy enough and Egan creek could be the creek descent from the saddle at Run Jungle. Has an off-track feel.
Just throwing ideas.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby Aardvark » Tue 09 Jun, 2020 9:58 pm

The Superbus - Steamer circuit mentioned above by equivocator was once described by an old friend, Ken Fraser RIP (ex leader - K2 Extreme Bushwalking Club) as the premier off track walk in SEQ. I would have to agree it's certainly one of the best. Although a tad longer in terms of walk but less driving from Brisbane, and with easier access to water it can be done from Brett Rd, Teviot Gap, with an ascent to the shoulder east of Superbus summit, take a right to Mt.Roberts.
After the descent of the Steamers, get water from Emu Ck or Cryptocarya Ck. Camp before the ascent to the plane wreck and return via Superbus Summit.
Some might see a challenge in the navigation but a great walk. If you did it a few times you can make a few variations in the route. That's for another time.
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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby Aardvark » Tue 09 Jun, 2020 10:07 pm

Whilst conversing with CBee on the Savages - Barney Spur route.....
I was hoping the recent fires might have improved the route a little. It seems it has been the case between Savages and Burrajum but he reports it as thick in places down from there. If you are suggesting 'nice' means no pushing through the bush a little, then forget it.
It seems likely that the recent fires have had little effect in that part of the park. Generally that part of the park is for real track officianados. Fun for some but NOT 'nice'. Lots of regrowth, lantanna and other annoying vegetation. Not particularly challenging in terms of exposure, rock scrambling or anything.

I would be interested to hear of anyone successfully traversing the obvious large spur running west off Barney Spur into Mt.Barney Ck.

It doesn't sound like you've tackled Barney Gorge. Described by CBee above as Barney waterfall Ck. An obvious choice i would think. I've traversed it both ways many times but never with an overnight pack. Combine it with an ascent on Midget, North, Logans, or Eagles ridges.
In fact with well over a hundred ascents on Barney and some big routes in that i have never taken up the challenge of carrying an overnight pack up Barney.
That doesn't mean i haven't been over the mountain at night.
I haven't visited Barney Gorge for a couple of years now and i understand some rock fall occurred a short while ago. ( i think it may have been 2013 when cyclone Oswald brought about land slips on parts of Main Range) I imagine it would have settled by now and there is likely always to be a way around things). Take a bit of rope. If you go before i get back there i'd like to hear about it. I think i'll make an effort to get there this year.
I'm reminded of Steve Turners' (RIP) ascent with friends up Barney Gorge with MTB's broken down and on their backs just for a photo on East Pk. I've done some stupid things with Steve but i thought that one rather silly really. Still, i probably could have been talked into it.
Steve and i went up SE ridge after work (K2 Base Camp) one night. He stayed up there to abseil the east face whilst i headed back to just make it in time to work in the morning.

You've always got the option of Rocky Ck. Ascent via any ridge. Once again i haven't done it with a throughwalking pack but that's a minor detail. It has it's challenges though. Steep bits. Some people prefer a bit of rope - for one part mostly. If you want a creek route that isn't too exciting and not much harder than Mt.Barney Ck then think again.
Egan Ck is perhaps a better option.

Main Range is whole different beast. Some great routes but in terms of a nice ridge/creek combo there is nothing easily recommended. Inevitably you have to consider the issue of private property when involving creek access in a practical circuit. Even then, the creeks, although negotiable in parts, they aren't easy going for most people and progress could be easier when out of the creek (vegetation). In practical terms routes on Main Range would be better when staying on higher ground. As far as circuits go, the best options are from the west. That brings with it a longer drive to add to the exercise.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby SHC73 » Wed 10 Jun, 2020 3:21 pm

Thank you all very much - , I am taking a cpl of mates that I have walked with before but tend to over analyse so this is really helpful.

I had looked at the Steamers Circuit and I think that looks the goods Equivocator. I have also seen some walk it in different directions but the anticlockwise Bomber, Superbus, Mt Robers, Lizard Pt, Steamers seems to make the most sense. Great tip Aardvark on the water - thks.

CBee/ Aardvaark - I really like the idea of an ascent of Barney and down Barney Gorge - will tuck that one away.

Thanks again all, have followed many of your posts for some years now and your info is appreciated!
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby CBee » Wed 10 Jun, 2020 3:34 pm

CBee/ Aardvaark - I really like the idea of an ascent of Barney and down Barney Gorge - will tuck that one away.

I actually meant Barney waterfall creek and not the gorge. This way starts at the saddle just below the Eagle slabs (North/Isolated saddle) and ends at the Barney waterfall. From there is a short downclimb to Barney creek and downstream you go to the lower portals.

Barney gorge is a very spectacular route (possibly one of my favourites on barney alongside Short Leaning Ridge) but a couple of years ago, we had trouble around the big dogleg to bypass the massive landslide that left huge boulders precariously sitting on the slab. Not sure what the situation is at the moment, especially after the rain that followed the bushfires, but if the scenario is the same, I would not recommend that route because if something decides to come down, is like a funnel and there's non way to avoid it. But then, the only way to find out is getting into the gorge.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby Aardvark » Wed 10 Jun, 2020 4:41 pm

CBee wrote:I actually meant Barney waterfall creek and not the gorge. This way starts at the saddle just below the Eagle slabs (North/Isolated saddle) and ends at the Barney waterfall. From there is a short downclimb to Barney creek and downstream you go to the lower portals.

Oops. Sorry about that CBee. I overlooked that creek. It's a good shortcut to North/Isolated saddle as opposed to the lower part of Eagles Ridge.
Last time i visited the saddle i ascended the creek on the east side to then descend to Barney Ck.

CBee wrote:Barney gorge is a very spectacular route (possibly one of my favourites on barney alongside Short Leaning Ridge) but a couple of years ago, we had trouble around the big dogleg to bypass the massive landslide that left huge boulders precariously sitting on the slab. Not sure what the situation is at the moment, especially after the rain that followed the bushfires, but if the scenario is the same, I would not recommend that route because if something decides to come down, is like a funnel and there's non way to avoid it. But then, the only way to find out is getting into the gorge.

Thanks for that little update.
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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby gbagua » Fri 12 Jun, 2020 9:38 am

Barney Gorge is all good now, in fact from late 2018 I know several people who walked up the whole thing and summited on the West Peak. They didn't experience anything significant. I believe Boonah-based rangers did clear the dangerous bits left by the landslide.

Isolated Peak up down Moonlight slabs creek down is another good hike and most if not all is off-track as it's a seldom hiked area, top it all up with all the overgrowth following bushfire + virus restrictions in the park and you'll have an Amazon-like adventure here in the SE of QLD.
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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby Champion_Munch » Mon 28 Sep, 2020 12:32 pm

On the topic of access to Isolated Peak via ridges/creeks... can anyone recommend the easiest route to visit Isolated Peak? (i.e. no serious rock climbing or exposure). As I understand, the wildest section of Eagles ridge is between the Isolated-North saddle, and from what I've read/seen this is definitely beyond my capabilities.

I did a day walk from LP to UP on the weekend and en route climbed the slope beside Barney Waterfall to the top, to see what the terrain was like. I found it very dry and crumbly, but it looked possible to continue to Eagles ridge from this general vicinity. I suspect this is what Aardvark and gbagua are talking about? Otherwise I guess you can begin the Eagles ridge directly from the LP track or via one of the eastern creeks/ridges - but what would be the most straight-forward? My preference is for grippy rock where you can be more confident about your hand and feet placements not sliding away underneath you.

Speaking of which (and at risk of hijacking SHC73's thread)... I am also interested to hear others' experiences ascending from Upper Portals to the cleared ridge track. Heading upstream along Mt Barney creek (and to avoid climbing through the portals directly) I have read that there is a bypass track on the north bank. I wasn't able to locate anything even remotely resembling a track, and ended up taking the first non-cliffy ridge downstream of the Upper Portals, between two steep gullies. It intersected the cleared ridge track at around 670 m, where the ridge flattens out briefly before you get great views at the 760 m knoll further on.

This ridge was extremely steep, dry and crumbly. I would not consider coming down this sketchy route or carrying an overnight pack - but others obviously do, so I suspect there must be an easier option in this vicinity.

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Re: Mount Barney / Main Range

Postby CBee » Mon 28 Sep, 2020 3:06 pm

I don't consider myself a Barney expert but I have done pretty much all ridges/creeks. I think the area of Isolated Peak is mainly off-track so not sure if I can give details on this forum. There are several way to get on the summit and some may be suitable to you, including some fun scrambles on clean rock. Just send me a PM and I'll be happy to send infos.
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