Mt McDonald - Upper Jamieson Hut track

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Mt McDonald - Upper Jamieson Hut track

Postby Drew » Sat 09 May, 2020 4:22 pm

I might be overly optimistic, but I'm hoping that COVID restrictions will be lifted in Victoria on Monday enough that I'll be able to get up to the high country for a walk in the next week or so before winter properly arrives.

I'm yet to make it to Mt McDonald (almost got there a couple of Easters ago but ran out of water) and am keen to do so. Just thought I'd check if there are any updates on the "track" from McDonald's summit to Upper Jamieson Hut? Last I heard it was very overgrown in parts but not too hard to find the way.

My idea for a circuit is:
1. 8 Mile Flat to Upper Howqua, 15km
2. Upper Howqua to base of Mt Clear (via Heli Spur), 14.5km
3. Base of Mt Clear to saddle near Mt McDonald, 16.5km
4. Mt McDonald to 8 Mile Flat via Low Saddle Rd, Refrigerator Gap Road, 8 Mile Spur, 22km (could camp at/near Refrigerator Gap if short on daylight).

The road bash after McDonald isn't great, but Refrigerator Gap Road isn't too bad as far as roads go. Maybe it's better to walk in opposite direction - easier to find the way climbing up McDonald than going down if it's still very overgrown?

Any thoughts appreciated.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Mt McDonald - Upper Jamieson Hut track

Postby gbedford » Tue 12 May, 2020 10:04 am

The way down off McDonald is a bit tricky but there is an old overgrown logging track which appears about half way down. I remember it had a couple of markers, new tape and old metal. It finishes at the Low Saddle Road. I wouldn't try and continue down directly to Upper Jamieson Hut but follow Low saddle Road down to Brock's Road. There used to be a track to the hut but the bush looked too thick for me to bother.
You could drive to that point and start there or use a gps to mark it.
Probably easier to walk in the opposite direction but then getting down Helicopter Spur would be harder to navigate than going up.
Years ago going down McDonald to Upper Jamieson was easy as there was a clear track.
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Re: Mt McDonald - Upper Jamieson Hut track

Postby north-north-west » Tue 12 May, 2020 11:21 am

This is the best line to take on Big Mac. The right angle just above Low Saddle Rd is a junction of two very old vehicle tracks. Easy to miss with the regrowth, although there was usually a tape marker there. Either line from that point will get you to the road, but turning right on the depicted line is a lot shorter.

As you can see, from the summit it is simply a matter of following the obvious sharp spur roughly northwards, sidestepping the highest drops (the spur shelves down). Mostly it's easier on the eastern side of the rocks but a couple are best sidled to the west. Once you hit the scrub it gets harder, but you have to make sure you follow the connections until you're over the saddle that is the low point. From there, the old logging track first cuts up diagonally on the hillside, but it would be hard to find as even when I last did it some seven or eight years ago, it was partly buried under treefalls. Would be a lot worse now.

I might be able to dig out a GPX file if you need it.
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Re: Mt McDonald - Upper Jamieson Hut track

Postby Drew » Tue 12 May, 2020 3:17 pm

Thanks guys! Looks like I'll have to wait a few weeks longer for the chance to do this. If there's not a decent weather window or if there's already snow on the ground I'll leave it for spring, but good to have that info.

Probably easier to walk in the opposite direction but then getting down Helicopter Spur would be harder to navigate than going up.

True, but I've been up Helicopter Spur enough times that I think I'll be fine going down it.

I might be able to dig out a GPX file if you need it.

Thanks NNW, but I should be alright I reckon. That image is a pretty handy guide.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Mt McDonald - Upper Jamieson Hut track

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 16 Aug, 2020 7:49 pm

The New SV Buller Howitt map no longer shows the position of this route. The Roof tops Map also has given up on it too. It has returned to the jungle. The Nobs track has been given a huge repair job and I plan to access Mt. McDonald via the Nobs Track in late spring this year if I am allowed out of lockdown.
My GPS map has the position of this route but it sounds like a serious scrub bash :-0
I did try to find this track from the Upper Jamieson track but I had no success and went up to visit the Nobs as a day hike which was a rather good plan B.
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Re: Mt McDonald - Upper Jamieson Hut track

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 27 Aug, 2020 3:22 pm

There was no sign of the Mt. McDonald track near The Upper Jamieson Hut when I was there last time.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Mt McDonald - Upper Jamieson Hut track

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 03 Nov, 2020 2:31 pm

I am going up to Mt. McDonald in Dec. 2020 via the Nobs Track. I will report back.
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