beardless wrote:Hallu wrote:I just wanted to revive this topic after 3 years. I've found a few really good bushwalking channels.
... But I think recently I've found even better with this guy : , a Dutch hiker with STUNNING videos. Compared to Craig, he has a better eye for composition, he must be a photographer or something, and he goes offtrack all the time, often to places that are a bit risky. His South Africa video, or Pyrénées video are just beautiful.
Dutchie64 wrote:I really like this Dutch guy - Harmen Hoek
His video "Solo Hiking in the Pyrenees" is superbly shot and makes me want to go back to Europe to hike it.
It goes from the Spanish side to the French side of the Pyrenees. Very worthwhile watching. No commentary, just beautiful scenery! Enjoy it.,
Thanks Halu and Dutchie for this recommendation.
These films are superbly shot. So cinematic. I love how much effort he goes to shoot himself as a small speck in a grand landscape, crossing rivers, scrambling down rocky tracks and that he also keeps setting up these shots even when the weather turns nasty. So many of the shots are brilliantly composed. You get a great sense of place and adventure. And he manages to convey a sense of joy even though it is largely without speech.
He often has great shots of himself as a silhouette walking or standing in the landscape. Artistically inspiring stuff
You're welcome. He indeed has a great eye. And in the comments, he tells more behind the scenes stories and you understand how hard his hikes are... Some days he does 2000 m elevation gain, it's crazy. In South Africa he was sick to his stomach most of the trip. He goes a bit too far I think sometimes for his safety, he's young but he should take care of himself, coz he's often on razorback ledges during rainstorms, ouch. I suggested him to do a hike in my favorite part of the French Alps, the Queyras mountains, and also suggested him the Ecrins national park. Both superb destinations, without the crowds of the Mont Blanc/Chamonix area, he seemed to really like it and said he may do a trip there this Summer, can't wait to see that video...