Russell Falls

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Russell Falls

Postby Mickeymoo » Mon 19 May, 2008 12:54 pm

After my wander up to Mt. Field East I decided to go to Russell Falls, I had intended to go up to Horeshoe Falls which are much more interesting in my opinion but they had closed the track off and you have to access it via the tall trees walk so I didn't have enough time to go back up there before it was too dark, so I stayed at Russell Falls and took a few shots instead.


This one is using a new technique I tried for the first time, its a panorama using two landscape images on top of each other, a great landscape photographer called Kah Kit Yoong (worth having a look at, he shoots a fair bit in Tasmania) has been using this technique of late and I thought I'd give it a go, and it came out ok in the end.



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Re: Russell Falls

Postby tas-man » Tue 20 May, 2008 1:31 pm

Thanks for showing us these very "intense" photos that make me see these scenes in a different way. I have just "wasted" :wink: some time looking over your link to Kah Kit Yoong's website Very inspiring and passionate photography, almost surreal in its effect upon the viewer.
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Re: Russell Falls

Postby Mickeymoo » Tue 20 May, 2008 2:11 pm

Thanks Ian, I too "waste" a lot of time looking at Kah Kit's work, it is very inspirational, his use of GND filters produces some amazing results.
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Re: Russell Falls

Postby TassieMargie » Wed 21 May, 2008 10:03 am

Very cool effect MickeyMoo. Do you mind if I ask which program you used to stitch the two shots together with?
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Re: Russell Falls

Postby Mickeymoo » Wed 21 May, 2008 10:08 am

Thanks TassieMargie, I just used the manual mode in photoshop CS3s stitching program as I had to rotate the bottom photo to get it right.
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Re: Russell Falls

Postby TassieMargie » Wed 21 May, 2008 10:10 am

Thanks Mickymoo.
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