Sherbrooke Falls Walk
2.1 km return
40 min to 1 h
Sherbrooke Falls Walk
2.1 km

40 min to 1 h

20 min to 30 min

Starting close to the Sherbrooke Picnic Ground, on Sherbrooke Lodge Rd, Sherbrooke, this walk leads to the Falls via the Sherbrook and O’Donohue tracks. Explore this walk under the magnificent canopy of trees in the rainforest, with many little streams of water and different types of fungi to be seen along the way. A variety of birds and wildlife such as Wombats, Swamp Wallabies, Ring-tailed and Brush-tailed Possums can be spotted. Immerse yourself in the peaceful sounds of nature - the running water, the breeze in the trees, and the birds singing - and enjoy the view and sounds of the cascading creek. The falls are small and slightly obscured by ferns, but the crown jewel of this walk is the rainforest itself. Expect a steep and steady incline about halfway through, leading up to the Sherbrooke Falls. The track gets slightly busy during later times of the day. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.



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To start