The Big Walk
20.4 km return
8 h 30 min to 12 h
The Big Walk
20.4 km

8 h 30 min to 12 h

Starting at the Eurobin Creek Picnic Area, Mount Buffalo National Park, this walk leads via The Big Walk Track and ends near the Mount Buffalo Chalet. Appropriately named The Big Walk, this is the biggest walk in the park. Following one of the original routes onto the Mount Buffalo Plateau, this walk climbs 1000 metres over 9 km. It goes through several vegetation zones as the altitude increases, passing through gumtees, ferns and large granite rocks. Enjoy spectacular views of the Victorian Alps and the Gorge from the numerous lookouts along the way. This walk has some very steep and long climbs, and requires a moderate amount of fitness to be completed. Water is limited along the track and the weather can be unpredictable, so come prepared. Be aware that seasonal road closures impact the park in Winter. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.



Transport options
To start