Gosford Weather forecast
Saturday 27 July
90% chance of rain
Cloudy. High chance of showers, becoming less likely in the late afternoon and evening. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds northwesterly 15 to 20 km/h becoming light in the late afternoon. Daytime maximum temperatures between 15 and 19.

UV Alert: Sun protection 10:40am to 1:20pm, UV Index predicted to reach 3 [Moderate]
Sunday 28 July
7°C → 16°C
20% chance of rain
Partly cloudy. Slight chance of a shower. Snow possible above 1000 metres. Winds westerly 20 to 30 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to between 4 and 8 with daytime temperatures reaching between 11 and 16.
Monday 29 July
5°C → 16°C
Partly cloudy.
30% chance of rain
0 → 1mm
Partly cloudy. Areas of morning frost about the Upper Hunter. Medium chance of showers along the coastal fringe, most likely in the afternoon and evening. Near zero chance of rain elsewhere. Winds west to southwesterly 15 to 25 km/h tending south to southwesterly during the day then tending west to southwesterly 15 to 20 km/h during the evening. Overnight temperatures falling to between minus 1 and 5 above zero with daytime temperatures reaching between 12 and 16.

Alert: Large and powerful surf conditions are expected to be hazardous for coastal activities such as rock fishing, swimming and surfing.
Tuesday 30 July
5°C → 16°C
Partly cloudy.
30% chance of rain
0 → 1mm
Partly cloudy. Areas of morning frost about the Upper Hunter. Medium chance of showers near the coast, near zero chance elsewhere. Winds west to southwesterly 15 to 25 km/h tending south to southwesterly during the morning. Overnight temperatures falling to between minus 1 and 5 above zero with daytime temperatures reaching between 12 and 16.
Wednesday 31 July
6°C → 16°C
Possible shower.
40% chance of rain
0 → 1mm
Possible shower.
Thursday 1 August
6°C → 16°C
Shower or two.
50% chance of rain
0 → 2mm
Shower or two.
Friday 2 August
7°C → 17°C
Shower or two.
50% chance of rain
0 → 1mm
Shower or two.
Forecast data thanks to © Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology via Bushwalk.com