Aboriginal Art Gallery
Bidjara & Karingbal Country

3 h to 5 h

11 km

↑ 267 m
↓ -267 m

Moderate track
Starting from the Carnarvon Gorge Visitor Centre, Carnarvon Park, this walk takes you to an exceptional Aboriginal Art Gallery and back via the Big Bend Walk track, visiting the Moss Garden, Amphitheatre and Ward’s Canyon along the way. You’ll be dazzled as you walk along the 62-metre long wall that is full of engravings, ochre stencils and free-hand paintings. This sandstone wall has more than 2000 pieces on it, and it’s quite hard to believe they’re thousands of years old because of how fresh and new they look. The Aboriginal people of Bidjara and Karingbal surely knew how to make paint last. Don’t forget to read the information boards to fully understand the messages and meanings of the art. The Art Gallery of Carnarvon is considered to be one of the best places to view Aboriginal stencil art. Take plenty of water and avoid midday hikes in summer to have a better experience. You’ll cross the creek multiple times, so hiking boots with ankle support are recommended. Let us begin by acknowledging the Bidjara & Karingbal people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. 
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