Punch­bowl Look­out Trail
2 km return
30 min to 45 min
Punch­bowl Look­out Trail
2 km

30 min to 45 min


15 min to 25 min

25 min to 1 h

Starting from the Punchbowl Lookout (Gate 9) car park on Piggott Range Road, Onkaparinga Hills, this walk takes you to the Punch­bowl Lookout and back via the Punch­bowl Look­out Trail. This short and easy walk meanders through native vegetation to the Punch­bowl Look­out, which offers spectacular views into Onkaparinga Gorge. The trail climbs gradually through grey box woodland, passing several picnic benches before reaching an impressive viewing platform with panoramic views of the gorge, as well as Punchbowl Waterhole, a bowl-shaped rock pool at the bottom of the gorge. The trail is wide and has a compacted gravel surface with gentle gradients, making it suitable for people of all abilities, including those with limited mobility. Cycling is also permitted on this trail. Western grey kangaroos are often seen graz­ing in the area around dawn and dusk. This walk consists of wide, gently undulating shared-use trails with compacted gravel surfaces. It is suit­able for all ages and fitness levels, as well as prams and wheelchairs. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.



Transport options
To start