Yul-Yan-Man to Trachyte

1 h 45 min to 2 h 45 min

5.7 km

↑ 205 m
↓ -256 m

Very challenging
Starting from the car park at the end of Mount Beerburrum Access Road, Beerburrum, this walk takes you up and down through the hills and woodlands of Glass House Mountains National Track, visiting Jack Ferris Lookout and crossing Tibrogargan Creek along the way. It ends at the car park off Barrs Road, near Mount Tibberoowuccum. You’ll feel like you’re doing a mini version of a journey in the middle ages as you’re climbing up and down multiple hills. As they did back in the day, start the walk at sunrise to enjoy the peace and serenity of being in nature. You’ll be rewarded by panoramic views of the Glass House Mountains and beyond throughout the track. Keep an eye out for good-looking yellow-tailed black cockatoos along with other birds. Remember to wear grippy shoes to be safe and better enjoy the trip. Look out for the little pink triangle markers for guidance. Can also be done in reverse. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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This journey requires significant bushwalking experience, specialised equipment and navigation skills.
Please ensure you and your group well prepared and equiped for this journey.

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