Cathedral Mountain Northern Circuit Walk
11.9 km circuit
4 h 30 min, 6 h 30 min to 2 days
Cathedral Mountain Northern Circuit Walk
11.9 km

4 h 30 min, 6 h 30 min to 2 days

From the parking area near Cooks Mill Campground in Cathedral Range State Park near Taggerty, this circuit walk takes you north along the Little River. The rocky walk leads past 6 side trips to peaks so plenty of opportunities for peak baggers and those who enjoy beautiful scenic views. If lucky, you'll come across wallabies and lyre birds. You can also make this a multi-day walk as there is a camp site near Blue Haze peak. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.



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