Pandani Grove
1.4 km circuit
30 min to 45 min
Pandani Grove
1.4 km

30 min to 45 min


Starting from the carpark at the end of Lake Dobson Road, Mount Field National Park, this circuit walk takes you around Lake Dobson via the Pandani Grove Nature Walk. The Pandani Grove is a delightful green oasis nestled beneath the ski slopes of Mount Field. Following the shoreline of the glacially formed Lake Dobson, this short walk takes you through a forest dominated by a mixture of pencil pines and pandanis, both of which are endemic to Tasmania. Platypuses are occasionally seen in Lake Dobson, particularly around dusk and dawn. The track has no steep sections, but ice and snow can cover sections of the track in winter. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.



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