Northbrook Gorge Track
7.1 km return
2 h to 3 h 15 min
Northbrook Gorge Track
7.1 km

2 h to 3 h 15 min

Starting from the car park off Northbrook Highway, Dundas, this return walk follows along Northbrook Creek. This is a walk that will refresh you during a hot summer day. It traverses between bush settings and sections where you have to dip in. There are plenty of swimming areas with clean, cool water, even ones with massive boulders surrounding them. The massive rock formations can be observed and make the area suitable for doing rock hoppings. You might want to bring some extra clothes and sturdy footwear for the slippery sections, and waterproof bags can be useful for electronics. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.



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