Information on bushwalks is too good to keep locked up.
Let's make it easier for you to share your love of bushwalking.
Help with publishing Bushwalk information
I am keen to help you share your own information about bushwalks. You might provide extra information on the history, flora, fauna, geology or more detailed tracknotes.
Whatever you do I want to help take away some of the hassles and improve the experience for your visitors
Link to your pageIf you have a created a great blog, video or other online content that is helpful for people, then let me know by adding it to the comments. I can then check it out and feature the best links on the walk page.
Embed the map on your webpageIt is easy, just copy and paste this iframe code where you want to display the map.
You can change the width and height
<iframe style="height:300px;width:100%;" loading='lazy' allow='geolocation *' allowfullscreen='true' height='300' frameborder='0' width='100%'
Link back to bushwalk.comI would love it if you want to send people to for more info on walks.
You can use a normal link or embed a walk badge.
You are welcome to play with the style of the iframe to suit your needs.
<iframe style="width:272px !important;height:336px;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" sandbox="allow-forms allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"
src= >
Walk summary imagewhen people share a walk from on Social Media this is the image that is used. You might find it helpful to link back.
<a href= ><img style="height:300px;"
src= /></a>
Link to PDF or GPX downloadsYou can make your own links to let people directly download the latest version.
Feel free to change the link text.
Download the <a href= >GPX file</a> or
<a href= >Printable maps and notes</a>
for Horsnell Gully Waterfall Hike.
Download the
GPX file or
Printable maps and notes
for Horsnell Gully Waterfall Hike.
Include the Weather widgetHaving reliable and current weather data for walks is hard.
Here is some code that you can embed on your blog for this walk.
<iframe style="width:100% !important;height:336px;" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0"
src= >
Walk GradingGrades give people a snapshot of the key challanges a walk can present.
<iframe style="width:100% !important;height:500px;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"
src= >
Want more?Please let me know what would be helpful. I am working on ways to share a feature image, photo gallery, alerts and more.
Nerdy data under ODbL 1.0?I love
OpenStreetMap and regularly make contributions to the map.
I also use data from OSM to generate the pages.
Please feel free to download the
OSM data for this walk and build something awesome with it.
Let me know what you are doing and I might be able to help.
Doing something in print?
If you are wanting to including information on this bushwalk in print (magazine, book or newspaper), then lets make it happen. I can provide custom vector maps, photos etc no worries at all.
If the demand is high enough I will create a system so you can grab all the information automatically.
Happy Walking