Dehydrating Mangos

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Dehydrating Mangos

Postby Warin » Sat 03 Feb, 2018 10:50 am

Been a few post on this in other threads .. but no separate topic so .. my findings.

There are a few of them. The 'honey dew' ones have a very small stone .. so you get more out of them than you would think. I also like the taste - not quite as sweat as the calypso.

I found the smaller cheaper ones got as much flesh per $ are the larger ones .. so I don't think that matters.

Slice thickness
Tried 6mm .. took over 12 hours to dry and not as dehydrated as thinker slices.
Think 3mm is about right.
I do take the skin off before slicing - remove one side first and remove the flsh from there before removing all the skin, reduces mucky hands and fruit bruising.

Subject to the dehydration machine and local climatic conditions. I use 55 C and 10 hours, the hours are flexible.

Water reduction ratio
For 6mm slices 7.29, for 3 mm slices 7.45. That is about 700 grams of wet mango flesh goes to ~100 grams of dehydrated mango flesh. I don't bother rehydrating them, though I have tried it and they do go back up. I prefer to just let them sit in my mouth.

2 large mangoes equal ~4 small mangoes in terms of harvested flesh, and that is ~500 grams worth. Say $7.22 per kilo of harvested flesh when buying individual mangoes. Humm 1 kg wet = ~ 134 g dry so $52.63 per kg of dehydrated mango. The commercial ones are $6 per 150 g so $40 per kg. Conclusion .. buy in trays!

--------------- All the above subject to further experimentation! :wink: (Read: further mango eating.)

Should there more topic posts on individual fruit dehydration? For instance Kiwi Fruit comes in 2 varieties .. the golden ones don't have the acid finish of the greens.
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Re: Dehydrating Mangos

Postby ricrunner » Sat 03 Feb, 2018 3:42 pm

My wife and I used to dehydrate fruits about 5 years ago and mang0 was one of those fruits. As we cannot set temp. on our fan forced dehydrator ( cheap one-$40), it takes at least 12 hours to dry mangos or anything else that is fleshy. But I must admit, mangoes are the best thing in a fruit to dehydrate and the taste is excellent. I would like to know how to turn bananas into those chip style things with honey on them that you get in health food shops. I would really like to know? AS I am touring again and have raised a thread on dehydrated foods recently, everyone has advised me to just dehydrate my own foods, and I must admit I forgot we had our own machine, but I definitely intend to start doing it again as I have a six week cycle tour coming up in May.
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Re: Dehydrating Mangos

Postby Warin » Sat 03 Feb, 2018 6:43 pm

ricrunner wrote: it takes at least 12 hours to dry mangos or anything else that is fleshy.

This last lot was 8h 20 mins. Make certain you have thin slices .. as I said above 3 mm seams good. Maybe you need to apply more heat?

ricrunner wrote: I would like to know how to turn bananas into those chip style things with honey on them that you get in health food shops.

Don't know. But bananas are cheap at the moment so get working on it. I simply slice them up put a little lemon juice on them and dehydrate. On the web it says you dehydrate honey by making it thin. So maybe once the bananas are dryish coat the driest side with some honey - a thin coat (warm honey would help with that) and continue dehydrating???
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