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Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Mon 09 Jun, 2014 8:36 pm

How do you get them out of the loop pile on the inside MD??

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Mon 09 Jun, 2014 9:09 pm

Strider wrote:How do you get them out of the loop pile on the inside MD??

Use them inside out?

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Mon 09 Jun, 2014 11:11 pm

Well now I feel stupid :oops:

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Tue 10 Jun, 2014 9:01 pm

While hiking in Europe I saw a few using these fancy gizmos. Bit of a luxury!

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Tue 10 Jun, 2014 10:09 pm

hightower wrote:While hiking in Europe I saw a few using these fancy gizmos. Bit of a luxury!

They look incredible, but sadly weigh just under half a kilo.
Here's the video:

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Wed 11 Jun, 2014 12:03 pm

icefest wrote:They look incredible, but sadly weigh just under half a kilo.

What about the airspresso? It's a lot lighter. Does not work as well?

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Wed 11 Jun, 2014 2:29 pm

Orion wrote:What about the airspresso? It's a lot lighter. Does not work as well?

Airspresso is 200g but requires an external bike pump. A decent combination with a MLD prophet pack.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Fri 04 Jul, 2014 9:22 am

Hello. I think freshly ground coffee is more important than whatever device you use.

Coffee should be used not long after being ground.

I'm currently looking for an acceptable hand grinder that weighs less than 200 grams. I have a rosco mini hand grinder which is excellent, but too heavy at 800g. Porlex might be the go.

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Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Fri 04 Jul, 2014 9:34 am

Two rocks from a local creek bed?

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Fri 04 Jul, 2014 11:19 am

icefest wrote:
Orion wrote:What about the airspresso? It's a lot lighter. Does not work as well?

Airspresso is 200g but requires an external bike pump. A decent combination with a MLD prophet pack.

I use a 100g pump with my airspresso and that thing cranks out enough pressure to give a perfect shot of espresso style coffee including crema :)
Too much hassle for backpacking though, I took mine on one trip and that was enough...

Eljimberino wrote:Hello. I think freshly ground coffee is more important than whatever device you use.

Freshly ground coffee is good but I'd argue and say that it's the preparation method which has the greatest effect on the quality of the final product. I've used the exact same coffee through a home espresso machine, an airspresso & a stovetop percolator and the difference between the first two and the third is significant. The first two provide a much richer and thicker consistency whereas the percolator is much thinner and less tasty.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Fri 04 Jul, 2014 6:29 pm

Yes but your coffee beans were all freshly ground. The real test is store bought six month old pre-ground coffee verses week old freshly roasted beans.

The grind settings are different for each device.

As a joke I recently took my rossa air espresso on a five night walk. Grinder 800g. Device 1000g. Pump 80g. Coffee 250g.

A tragic, even I started questioning the value.

The republic brand instant is ok if you can keep it air sealed.

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Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Fri 04 Jul, 2014 9:23 pm

Anyone tried home grinding then using a vac machine to keep your daily fix fresh ?,I am not a purist ( Earl Gray Tea drinker in fact ) however walking companion son loves his coffee and carries a GSI Lexon Coffee Press 194 g and finds the vac sealed grinds as good as fresh.
Just saying :)

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Fri 04 Jul, 2014 11:16 pm

That's a lot of plastic!

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Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Sat 05 Jul, 2014 9:06 pm

The Handpresso rocks!
It weighs the same too and is simply not worth carrying in a pack.
I am a unashamed coffee snob, but when I'm in the wilderness a coffee-bag is just fine.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Mon 07 Jul, 2014 1:03 am

Don't forget about this topic, with the Airspresso including reviews... I still have it here, waiting to be used.

Another thing, anyone wanting to expand their knowledge on espresso could do worse than to read their way through this -

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Wed 09 Jul, 2014 6:48 am

we've been using a plunger cup for years. They are pretty light weight (haven't weighed them), but a bit bulky so we actually only take it car camping, not hiking. Added advantage is they are insulated and so keep the coffee warm for ages.

This is just an image I found online but we got ours from a local kitchen store.

1065-Double-Walled-Plunger-Mug-276-293.jpg (7.04 KiB) Viewed 58281 times ... unger-mug/

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Wed 09 Jul, 2014 2:26 pm

Apologies if this has already been mentioned but the AeroPress is pretty neat and compact and weighs under 400g without all the unnecessary add ons. I've used this a couple of times for hiking. Price is also quiet good, around the $45 mark

link removed by moderation re rule 2.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Thu 10 Jul, 2014 7:26 pm

This thread inspired me to lash out and get an Aeropress. I got a bundle with the Aeropress, Porlex Mini grinder and a stainless steel screen. ... -disk.html
I guess I'll pre-grind for o'nighters, and take whole beans and grinder for longer trips.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Fri 01 Aug, 2014 8:59 pm

I have one of these mini moka pots. Heavier than a filter but I find it easier to make a stronger coffee with it. Similar sort of coffee to what you get out of a full size moka pot.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Sat 02 Aug, 2014 8:29 am

I use an aeropress for my daily coffee, and its faster and more convenient than the big benchtop unit. For this last "class" trip, we had to pack out all food scraps and trash, so instead of having to pack out wet coffee grounds, I took a small flask of cold brew, and that worked out quite well. I think I'll do that in future on LNT overnights or day-hikes.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Sat 02 Aug, 2014 8:29 pm

Worth a try I think from a tea drinker :) . ... eal-thing/.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Sat 13 Sep, 2014 10:31 am

Boiling grounds in a sock is brilliant!!! That seems like a step up from my little glad bags containing premixed instant grounds, powdered milk and sugar haha :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seriously I'll give you the recipe if anyone's interested...

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Sat 13 Sep, 2014 11:24 am

Even more flavour if the sock has been used for a few days first.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Sat 13 Sep, 2014 11:54 am

a little salt improves all coffee!

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Sat 13 Sep, 2014 12:10 pm

I bought one of these ... i_expresso

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Wed 08 Oct, 2014 6:28 pm

My brother yonkers ago bought me a coffee maker that sat unused for another yonkers. one day I gave it a try and it has travelled with me to various jobs, as well as upon many a trip away. It is the bomb. It weighs nothing, and doesn't need a filter. You can let it sit for ages if you like a strong brew. It has proven to be indestructible as well. I have never ever seen another one like it, but here is a link to what they look like. They are also a perfect storage for toilet rolls, coffee, odds and ends in the pack. ... Maker.html

I have no idea where to buy them, but I couldn't live without mine now.

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Thu 28 Apr, 2016 7:55 pm

This thread is long overdue for a refresh.

Here's the latest in portable espresso makers. Wacaco minipresso

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Thu 12 May, 2016 6:08 am

This coffee product sounds good but there is no way to buy and ship to Australia :?

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Thu 12 May, 2016 10:40 am

The freshest and lightest approach: Carry and chew whole coffee beans.
Back in the very early 2000s, before the Internet Bubble burst, when I was a young IT dude with a serious coffee addiction, I switched from drinking the company-provided (good quality!) espresso and drip to chewing the beans.
You get used to the grindy feel pretty quickly, and the beans themselves have a lot more flavor than coffee. Plus you need less for the same hit.
These days, I only drink coffee rarely (health reasons) but fondly miss it!

Re: The solution for good coffee drinkers

Thu 12 May, 2016 12:42 pm

I suppose it's a light weight option compared with all my coffee making paraphernalia, but somehow getting up on a cold morning and munching a couple of coffee beans doesn't have the same appeal as a hot drink.
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