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Goldfields Track aka The Great Divide Trail

Sun 01 Nov, 2015 9:56 pm

A few days ago I walked a section of the Goldfields Track 66 km Bendigo to Castlemaine. I have previously done other sections, Ballarat to Creswick (30 kms), Castlemaine to Daylesford (3 days).
Caught the morning train to Bendigo. The trail ends/starts at Bendigo Station. The track is for day undulating thru the diggings of the gold rush. Flattens out and runs adjacent to a flowing aquaduct. Occasionally you will meet hills as the aqueduct course follows tunnels. The aqueduct is a a water source for hikers, not sure if it runs all the time? very recently Parks Vic have installed, a water tank for hikers.
Nice camping in open country by the duct, picturesque farmland. Mount Alexander on the second days a fair amount of up and down thru some rugged bush. No water supplies around this part.
Soon the trail goes thru the old Castlemaine diggings, to Castlemaine.

Like all my Goldfields hikes I rarely see another person let alone another hiker. Sure its not High plains or the Prom etc. but the area is rich in history, the trail is in excellent condition and well marked. The towns like Castlemaine , Daylesford are charming. well serviced by public transport I just wonder why so few hikers walk the trail.(?) Or at least that is is my impression.

Not a walk for summertime, can be hot and dry. Very attractive for a 7 to 10 day thru hike.
Anyone hiked this trail?

Re: Goldfields Track aka The Great Divide Trail

Thu 12 Nov, 2015 9:06 pm

Since moving to Castlemaine I have walked all the track, some parts often as it is so close and I hardly ever see other walkers, occasionally mountain bikes and very occasionally school groups.

This is a great place to live and nice to have walks so close to home.

In the middle of summer I either go elsewhere or just do short walks in the evening but most of the year it's ok.

Re: Goldfields Track aka The Great Divide Trail

Sat 19 Dec, 2015 10:13 pm

I've ridden (hybrid bike) the Daylesford to Ballarat sections both ways and its a fun ride, it did seem quite a lot of it (at least this section) is on forestry tracks that are open to vehicles which is not my personal preference for walking.

Re: Goldfields Track aka The Great Divide Trail

Sat 02 Jan, 2016 7:13 pm

I've ridden this track on an mtb multiple times bendigo-blackwood. With some bike friendly detours.

Have only come across one hiker. Its a great ride, but its not to my taste for a hike due to the reasons above.

Re: Goldfields Track aka The Great Divide Trail

Mon 24 Apr, 2017 12:31 pm

I'm looking at starting at Creswick and hiking for a few hours then returning to the car - which leg would
be more interesting, the one towards Ballarat or the one towards Daylesford please?
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