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In and around Cradle

Sat 12 Jan, 2013 6:25 am

Quite a number of pics.
Trying out a newly acquired camera, dropped from 8.5 kilos down to 530g, sure is easier to carry :D .
These are as they come out of the camera apart from the resizing.
If something is not right, I would say it will be operator error and not the camera.
Pencil Pine
Cradle from Speeler
Button grass and more button grass
A nice place for lunch

Re: In and around Cradle

Sat 12 Jan, 2013 6:32 am

A few more
Mt Beecroft
On the way home
Hard to tell but that's a big tree
Start of Enchanted walk

Re: In and around Cradle

Sat 12 Jan, 2013 6:35 am

2 more
Would not have a clue, but there sure is a nice show of them at the moment
Cradle and Barn Bluff from the Penguin to Cradle trail

Re: In and around Cradle

Sat 12 Jan, 2013 7:36 am

Nice place to roam. Nice pictures too.
Colours look good.

What is your new acquisition?

Unknown flower is a Mountain Rocket.
They are a very showy plant at any time. The seed pods turn lovely red, and yellow, and leaves are coloured too.

Re: In and around Cradle

Sat 12 Jan, 2013 8:03 am

taswegian wrote:Nice place to roam

Sure is.

taswegian wrote:Nice pictures too.


taswegian wrote:Colours look good.

I thought so as well.

taswegian wrote:What is your new acquisition?

A hybrid, Sony NEX-5.
I would not have gone out an purchased it, opportunity presented itself and it was too good to pass up.
I miss the viewfinder and it is a pain having to change glasses all the time to see whats on the display, looks like I have to go and get some bifocals.
I have taken a few other pics and when you get it right it does a damn good job (keep in mind I haven't a clue of what I am doing, just a self taught novice at this).
It bucks a bit at glare but some filters will fix that. (ordered a CPL and some ND's)
Certainly a light lighter to carry around than a full blown DSLR and lenses etc. Maybe not the same quality but pretty good all the same.
A bonus - with not lugging the monster around I can carry some food.
Hopefully will get better results with practise.

taswegian wrote:Unknown flower is a Mountain Rocket.
They are a very showy plant at any time. The seed pods turn lovely red, and yellow, and leaves are coloured too.

Thanks, I never knew what they are called. Haha, one up on the missus.


Re: In and around Cradle

Sat 12 Jan, 2013 8:22 am

Davo before you rush to bifocals I'd persevere for a while.
I have multi focal lenses and find them uncomfortable as I have to continually tilt my head to focus close. (screen)

I bought an Olympus EM-5 for that reason. I still have my Canon G12 which is a fantastic camera to but pathetic viewfinder.
I still cart my reading glasses about for photos. Yes a pain but well worth the bother.

Re: In and around Cradle

Sat 12 Jan, 2013 8:45 am

I have been using, and still use an old Canon EOS10D. It is no problems "cause I don't have to change glasses.
Everything on this hybrid one is menu/display driven.
What concerns me is, one day I'm going leave a pair sitting on a rock. I am trying to programme myself when I change glasses to put the other pair in their case in my top pocket - hmmmm, proving harder than I anticipated.
Hope I can get it down pat before it costs $.
Thanks for the words.
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