The same old Dove Lake photos

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The same old Dove Lake photos

Postby the_camera_poser » Mon 03 Nov, 2008 8:51 pm

But it was pretty clear! All day was like this! Saturday, 1/11/08. PLEASE provide honest C&C- and let me know if these look unduly fuzzy- my 30D's been acting a bit quirky lately, and I have to send it into Canon anyhow. There were taken with either a 17-40L or a 24-105L. Do you like the post-processing? There are the first I've done with CS3- so I'm feeling my way around. The first was heavily processed- does it show?

Thanks for looking!
Last edited by the_camera_poser on Fri 09 Oct, 2009 6:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: The same old Dove Lake photos

Postby the_camera_poser » Mon 03 Nov, 2008 8:54 pm

Note- these are a bit fuzzier than the originals- I reckon I'm doing something wrong with Photobucket. Also, the last two seem to want to be clipped, so you can see the originals (downsized to 800 pixels) on ... mview=grid


Re: The same old Dove Lake photos

Postby Mickeymoo » Tue 04 Nov, 2008 7:32 am

Some very nice shots there. I think they look fine they don't appear fuzzy and the first also looks fine to me. The last one appears a little dark on the left hand side to me, but that may just be my monitor. I particularly like #3 good perspective. Great work.

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Re: The same old Dove Lake photos

Postby the_camera_poser » Tue 04 Nov, 2008 12:35 pm

Thanks Michael! The last one is a bit dark, but I took it that way- I prefered a brooding mountain looming over the more lightly coloured boat shed.

Re: The same old Dove Lake photos

Postby Pedro » Tue 04 Nov, 2008 1:58 pm

It truly was a perfect day at Cradle last Saturday. Not too hot, almost no wind and the day started off perfectly clear. despite this it wasn't too crowded away from Dove Lake.

Reflections as CP shows above were just incredible early in the morning. I wandered passed Lake Lilla not long after sunrise and caught this:

Lake Lilla.JPG
Early morning reflections at Lake Lilla

From there, I went over to Barn Bluff, where the view was about as good as it gets:
From Barn Bluff.JPG
Looking over Lake Will from Barn Bluff

On the way back to the carpark, I did a brief diversion up Cradle. By then, a bit of cloud had moved in, but it was still pretty good up there:
From Cradle.JPG
Barn bluff seen from Cradle Mountain

Still a little bit of snow around, but it doesn't look as if it will last much longer. Overall, a magnificent day
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Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: The same old Dove Lake photos

Postby the_camera_poser » Tue 04 Nov, 2008 7:58 pm

Man, you musta had sore feet Pedro!

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