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Re: Royal National Park

Sun 23 Nov, 2014 2:41 pm

Pteropus wrote:This AMAZING time-lapse of the RNP was posted to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service facebook page this morning -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB4tHCJLsdg
Makes me a bit home-sick for the nasho...

Absolutely stunning footage from locations I know well. When are you coming back? I'm blessed that the Nasho is so close to home and never tire of it - rode my mountain bike yesterday down Lady Carrington Dr and back. I really hope something happens about world heritage listing.

Re: Royal National Park

Sun 23 Nov, 2014 3:17 pm

Pteropus wrote:This AMAZING time-lapse of the RNP was posted to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service facebook page this morning -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB4tHCJLsdg
Makes me a bit home-sick for the nasho...

Excellent video.

Does anyone know where that engraving at 1:35 is? I have never seen it before.

Re: Royal National Park

Sun 23 Nov, 2014 5:23 pm

Puts RNP in a new perspective for me... Brilliant!

Re: Royal National Park

Sun 23 Nov, 2014 5:47 pm

michael_p wrote:Does anyone know where that engraving at 1:35 is? I have never seen it before.

No, I noticed that as well. I think I may know the general location but haven't seen it either.

Re: Royal National Park

Sun 23 Nov, 2014 6:34 pm

johnw wrote:
Pteropus wrote:This AMAZING time-lapse of the RNP was posted to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service facebook page this morning -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB4tHCJLsdg
Makes me a bit home-sick for the nasho...

Absolutely stunning footage from locations I know well. When are you coming back? I'm blessed that the Nasho is so close to home and never tire of it - rode my mountain bike yesterday down Lady Carrington Dr and back. I really hope something happens about world heritage listing.

I don't think I will ever live in the Sydney region again. Like most Sydney-siders I have a love/hate relationship with the place. Love it when I'm not there, then when I am back I wonder why I bothered...but the thing I miss most about Sydney is the surrounding bush, especially the Sydney sandstone bushland. I will always return to visit though - family and the nasho :)

michael_p wrote:Does anyone know where that engraving at 1:35 is? I have never seen it before.
I am pretty sure its one of the Jibbon engravings. A couple of years ago I came across some other engravings in another part of the park and did a little research and found this interesting booklet -> http://www.doryanthes.info/pdf/Dharawal%20Book.pdf
There are claims of a Thylacine engraving in the park. I once went looking for it but didn't find anything...but then again I didn't have a serious look either.

Re: Royal National Park

Mon 24 Nov, 2014 7:57 am

I thought that engraving may be from the Jibbon area. Next time I am out that way I will have a look for it.

Pretty sure I have a hard copy of that book around here somewhere. It's a very helpful booklet. I have come across several charcoal and ochre drawing sites in my wanderings (including the one on the right hand side of (their) page 49) and it wasn't till I read that book that I understood why some sites are ochre and some charcoal.

I would really like to see that thylacine drawing.


Re: Royal National Park

Mon 24 Nov, 2014 10:48 am

I can't find any other references beyond that booklet to a Thylacine engraving/art being in the RNP, though the photo on their page 46 definitely looks like one. There are a lot of sites in the park, and considering a new art site was discovered on the northern beaches recently, who knows what else is out there in the surrounding bushland. There are apparently Thylacine rock art in Wollemi NP.

Re: Royal National Park

Mon 24 Nov, 2014 11:05 am

Magic time lapse. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Royal National Park

Mon 12 Sep, 2016 1:44 pm

I haven't been around the forum much lately, just visiting periodically, with life and stuff getting in the way of bushwalking and all that. But i've been back in Sydney this year and since it is early spring, I have taken the opportunity to get down to my old stomping grounds to visit this familiar and often missed patch of bush that I love :D

004 Wattamolla.JPG
Wattamolla dam

007 Wattamolla.JPG
Wattamolla Creek

047 Marley.JPG

028 Marley.JPG

042 Marley.JPG

045 Marley.JPG

019 Marley.JPG

010 Marley.JPG

053 Sandstone.JPG

008 Jacky.JPG
Jacky lizard

Re: Royal National Park

Mon 12 Sep, 2016 2:01 pm

More pics
004 Burning Palms.JPG
South over Burning Palms from Garrawarra Ridge

The Burning Palms area has always been popular, but it seems now that everyone in Sydney has heard about the Figure of Eight rock pool and wants to go down there on the weekend. The last few times I have been down this way the Garrawarra Farm car park has been packed, and there are lots and lots of people trekking down to the pool. Rangers were surveying people this weekend because lots of people are going down unprepared, without water or checking tide chart or telling people where they have gone.

013 Palm Jungle.JPG
Track into Palm Jungle
013 Palm Jungle.JPG (737.79 KiB) Viewed 77696 times

NPWS have done a great job putting in new board walks along many sections of the Coast Track. This part of the track used to be an almost metre deep trench.

015 Doryanthes.JPG
Doryanthes excelsa

017 Paper daisy.JPG
Coronidium (Helichrysum) elatum

018 Dendrobium.JPG
Dendrobium speciosum

022 mushroom.JPG

041 Caladenia.JPG
Caladenia catenata

050 Epacris obtusifolia.JPG
Epacris obtusifolia

052 Sprengelia incarnata.JPG
Sprengelia incarnata

058 Dillwynia.JPG
Dillwynia sp.

Re: Royal National Park

Mon 12 Sep, 2016 2:47 pm

Great photos pteropus

Re: Royal National Park

Mon 12 Sep, 2016 11:34 pm

Great photography Pteropus, thanks for posting. Looks like we've crossed paths recently, I've been at several of those precise spots in recent weeks. Walked UIoola Trail on Fathers Day but a bit disppointed with the lack of wildflowers inland this year. Seemed better towards the coast.

Re: Royal National Park

Tue 13 Sep, 2016 1:43 pm

Thanks eggs and John. I haven't been to the western section of the park in a few years now. I might pop down to Heathcote NP at some point soon too.

Re: Royal National Park

Mon 26 Sep, 2016 10:53 am

Pteropus wrote:I might pop down to Heathcote NP at some point soon too.

I was there on Sunday and there are lots of wildflowers out at the moment.

Re: Royal National Park

Thu 29 Sep, 2016 5:37 pm

I did some walking last weekend on the RNP side of Heathcote on Monday and the Heathcote NP side the week before- heaps of wild flowers out. Very pretty. rivers/creeks a bit chilly for a dip though!!

Re: Royal National Park

Mon 07 Nov, 2016 1:48 pm

Some recent photos.

Volunteer Fire Fighters memorial has been renovated.

Uloola Falls are a bit on the dry side.

Not that far away....

Interesting flower.

Lots of Sundews (Drosera Spatulata, I think) along the track.

Re: Royal National Park

Mon 07 Nov, 2016 4:09 pm

Lovely photos! I need to get out to RNP again but for a pile up of work in recent months. Utterly painful to know what I'm missing. :(

Re: Royal National Park

Wed 09 Nov, 2016 1:47 pm

michael_p wrote:Some recent photos.

Nice. I have worries about the bush along the east coast this summer, especially around Sydney's NPs considering many areas have been drier and the recent start to the fire season.

Re: Royal National Park

Sun 02 Apr, 2017 9:11 pm

These are going in along the Coastal Track. They are so boring to walk on and follow a path that is well inland of the original track. I nicknamed them the tourist super highway

Re: Royal National Park

Sun 02 Apr, 2017 9:16 pm

Jibbon Bombora looked good today as a gale force on-shore wind really kicked up the surf.



Re: Royal National Park

Sun 02 Apr, 2017 9:23 pm

Residue from the tornado that ripped through this area some years back.

Trail has been cleaned up but still lots tree fall along the way.

Re: Royal National Park

Sun 02 Apr, 2017 9:28 pm

michael_p wrote:Does anyone know where that engraving at 1:35 is? I have never seen it before.

Found it.

There is another engraving next to it.

Did 17.5km today. I'm stuffed and going to bed now. Goodnight.

Re: Royal National Park

Thu 06 Apr, 2017 9:05 am

Pteropus wrote:Hi juju
There were still a lot of wild flowers out last week, but not like a full spring display. I took pics of some flowers I did see.

Excellent flower shots, thanks for sharing

Re: Royal National Park

Sun 25 Jun, 2017 7:24 pm

Walked from Garrawarra Farm to Wattamolla today. There were so many whales off the coast. If you want to do some whale watching now is the time to head out the RNP.

Re: RNP - Curracurrong Triangle Mystery Solved

Wed 25 Sep, 2019 6:07 pm

Pteropus wrote: I also wanted to check out an interesting triangle feature which near Curracurrong Falls, which I discovered in Google Earth.

I was on the phone today with a gentleman from a military historical society about something totally unrelated when the Curracurrong triangle came up. He advised that their research into the triangle indicates that it was for anti-tank training. His group had made an attempt to get to the triangle but also had been turned back by the scrub.

I am sending him some information and he is going to send me some information on the triangle. If I can add some more to this story I will post it here. :D


Wattamolla Triangle Mystery Solved.

Thu 17 Oct, 2019 2:14 pm

The Wattamolla Triangle was a Anti Tank Artillery Range. Built during WW2 and was used up to some time in the 1950s. Amazing.

Re: Royal National Park

Fri 18 Oct, 2019 11:33 am

Was in Sydney on the weekend and managed to get down the the RNP for a few hours. I've never seen so many Gymea lilies in flower! The wild flowers are going nuts at the moment.

080 Nasho.JPG

082a Nasho.JPG

Re: RNP - Curracurrong Triangle Mystery Solved

Fri 18 Oct, 2019 11:50 am

michael_p wrote:
Pteropus wrote: I also wanted to check out an interesting triangle feature which near Curracurrong Falls, which I discovered in Google Earth.

I was on the phone today with a gentleman from a military historical society about something totally unrelated when the Curracurrong triangle came up. He advised that their research into the triangle indicates that it was for anti-tank training. His group had made an attempt to get to the triangle but also had been turned back by the scrub.

I am sending him some information and he is going to send me some information on the triangle. If I can add some more to this story I will post it here. :D


Hi Michael,
I made it into the triangle back in 2015 and found the area quite disturbed, with bushes cut and the ground potentially dug up. I took pics and contacted NPWS and received a phone call from a ranger who indicated the Triangle was a 1st World War training range and that there had been some recent interest in the place (maybe because I asked about it here?). I suspect they weren't too happy about the interest, however, being highly visible from the satellite image, the triangle will receive some attention, but I have no idea what the outcome was of the fact the vegetation had been cut, if the rangers ever went in there to investigate.
Cut Stump.JPG

Hacked Casuarina.JPG

Re: Royal National Park

Fri 18 Oct, 2019 12:28 pm

Thanks for the update.

There was a group of historians doing research into the triangle between 2012-2014. Good chance that is what the ranger was talking about re increased interest in the triangle. Page 26 of this document refers to one of the historians and has a snippet of information on the range usage: https://www.shirehistory.org/uploads/1/ ... gust_-.pdf

I am going to go for a wander one day to have a look at it.


Re: Royal National Park

Fri 18 Oct, 2019 1:15 pm

michael_p wrote:Thanks for the update.

There was a group of historians doing research into the triangle between 2012-2014. Good chance that is what the ranger was talking about re increased interest in the triangle. Page 26 of this document refers to one of the historians and has a snippet of information on the range usage: https://www.shirehistory.org/uploads/1/ ... gust_-.pdf

I am going to go for a wander one day to have a look at it.


Thanks Michael, I suspect the ranger I spoke to got the wars wrong.
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