Photo competitions and 800px

Bushwalking pictures.
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Please keep the width of embedded images (using [img] [/img] tags) in this forum to no more than 800 pixels wide (this will avoid them being clipped without notice by most users' window sizes). Attached images can be any resolution so long as the file size is no more than 1 MB (attachments will be displayed by the forums as thumbnails no larger than 800 pixels linked to the full-size image).

Please include a description of the pictures' content so that readers know what they're all about.

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Photo competitions and 800px

Postby deadwood » Tue 30 Apr, 2024 7:13 pm

Am I missing something on how to see a larger image for the photo competition entries? 800px on my 4k monitor is a post card sized image which isn't really ideal to tell whether a photo is sharp or see the detail... or maybe I just need a larger monitor?
Atherosperma moschatum
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Photo competitions and 800px

Postby juz » Tue 30 Apr, 2024 8:27 pm

Sorry, I think I was wrong below. I am sure it used to be that way. I can’t seem to access the larger image anymore.
Clicking on the image should open a larger copy. Photo comp entries can be up to 10MB and a must be a minimum of 2000px on the long edge. In the initial view, all the comp entries are scaled down.
I think anyway.
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Photo competitions and 800px

Postby johnw » Wed 01 May, 2024 12:26 am

Yes unfortunately all entries are automatically hard rescaled to 800 pixels by the photo comp software.
There have been requests over the years for images to be shown as submitted, or at least at a more viewable size, but I'm not aware that a workable solution has been found.
John W

In Nature's keeping they are safe, but through the agency of man destruction is making rapid progress - John Muir c1912
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