Springbrook Pinnacle from Austinville

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Springbrook Pinnacle from Austinville

Postby dtbaker » Sun 18 Aug, 2013 11:57 pm

Hey all,

Here's something a little different for the "Gallery". This is a fast-forward hiking video that was linked to GPS and a (rather unfit) heart rate.

When you watch the video back it will show a position on the map along with rough speed/heart rate/elevation/etc..


(clicking those button-looking-things on the right will jump to other parts of the video)

It's a long video, and that fast forward can be rather sickening (so don't stare at it too long) :P

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Re: Springbrook Pinnacle from Austinville

Postby tibboh » Mon 19 Aug, 2013 7:49 am

Very interesting...........and somewhat nauseating :D
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Re: Springbrook Pinnacle from Austinville

Postby kevinvane » Tue 30 Jun, 2015 3:00 pm

Hi dtbaker, it seems like your link doesn't work anymore!

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