Overland Track 1951

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Overland Track 1951

Postby GeoffR » Sat 12 Jul, 2014 5:41 pm

Some pics scanned from old slides that my late father in law took while walking the Overland Track in 1951 ...
Barn Bluff from Cradle Mtn
Cradle Mtn
Mount Oakleigh from Pelion Hut
Pelion Hut
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Re: Overland Track 1951

Postby walkerchris77 » Sat 12 Jul, 2014 9:37 pm

Good pics there geoff. Dont know but there might be some historical group that might want a copy of them. Especially being over 60 years old.

I wonder if the hut is still there
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Re: Overland Track 1951

Postby icefest » Sat 12 Jul, 2014 11:58 pm

walkerchris77 wrote:I wonder if the hut is still there

Fairly sure. It's part ways away from the new monstrosity but still there.
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