Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

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Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Ryanb180 » Wed 14 Sep, 2022 9:47 pm

Firstly, what a wonderful community you have here.
First time poster, i've spent the evening reading through multiple threads and have picked up so much helpful information.

Over the Cup long weekend 29 Oct - 1 Nov I'll be walking the Falls Creek - Bogong loop with my Father. Both comfortable walking at a standard day pace.

Relatively new to hiking in the area but experienced in navigation. Hoping to ask my questions below and see what insights can be provided. All advice is very much appreciated!

Driving to Falls Creek will be most likely fine at this time of year? No chains etc required?
Best place to park at Falls Creek? potentially with camping space to allow for early morning start.
Start with Healthy spur track or Big River FT?

How many Kms is reasonably/comfortably expected per day? Arriving at destinations in afternoon well before dark.
What camp sports are suggested? Probably looking at standard Ropers N1, Cleve Cole N2 but open on N3, considering Bogong saddle? Looking for somewhere we can reasonably make it back to Falls Creek by early afternoon to allow for drive back to Melbourne before dark.

Big River level at this time of year? Assuming no big rain immediately prior.

After Bogong saddle, Greys Hill or Big River FT? After more scenic walking.
Snakes, any advice?
Worth taking GPS if first time in area?
Water filter required or boiling ok where required? Any recommendations for lower cost filter?

Thought I'd throw out everything and see what comes back. Much appreciated.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Lophophaps » Thu 15 Sep, 2022 8:27 am

Welcome to the forum.

Driving to Falls Creek should be fine without chains. That is, there may be snow but it's likely to be small and not last long. Beware of shady corners where there may be black ice early in the morning. Just drive steadily up and down, will be fine.

As far as I'm aware it's possible to park at Falls Creek out of the ski season for no charge. There is no legal camping at Falls Creek. One option may be to drive over the dam wall and camp. If the weather is really bad you could drive to a hut. The closest is at Langfords Gap, very small, no facilities a bit exposed for camping. Cope Hut is another 15 minutes of driving and a bit further from the road. If you get there early enough you could walk to Edmonsons Hut, the last trees before Ropers Hut. Allow about three hours.

Where you start depends on what you want to do. The distance depends on fitness and the the weather. Ropers Hut is a good place to stop on the first day, and I would not go any further. The reason is that if you get to Big River at Duane Spur and the river is high you will have to turn back, and there's no camping on the Duane side. It will be a tiring journey back to where you can camp; Duane is pretty steep.

On the second day you should be able to get to Cleve Cole by early afternoon, or if you start early, for lunch. If the weather is fine then it's a long day continuing over Bogong to Quartz Knob and Big River, good campsite. If the weather is fine then there are exposed campsites on the summit and at Quartz Ridge. If you stop at Cleve Cole it's a long day over Bogong and up Timms Spur to Ropers. Note that the loop should be done anti-clockwise to get the deeper river crossing over early. Facing a high river from the T Spur side with no time to go back to Bogong and Quartz Ridge is bad.

Big River at Duane Spur should be okay, although recent rains augmenting snow melt could cause the river to be high. It should be about knee deep. The Timms Spur crossing will be ankle or shin deep. One year I crossed on rocks. The Grey Hills are perhaps bit much on your first trip. Slog up the road, about four hours.

There will be snakes, Wear long thick gaiters, Cordura, canvas or the like. I never bother with a water filter. If running water is obtained away from huts the quality should be fine. The creek at Ropers Hut is down the hill, distant enough to be okay in my view. Some people take filters everywhere, very justified in some places.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Xplora » Thu 15 Sep, 2022 10:23 am

Lops has covered most things. My gauge on the Big River crossing is posted elsewhere but using Big River at Joker http://www.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/wrap_fwo.pl?IDV60151.html as an indication I have worked out a rule of thumb. At the moment the river is at 1.56m. Normal summer level at Joker is 0.8 -1m. That equates to knee deep on a short person at T Spur crossing. 1.56m would be about groin deep and running hard. There will still be some snow melt in November and the forecast is for a wet spring. We won't know if the chain at the crossing is still intact until someone has a look. I have tried it in November at mid thigh deep and my feet were taken out from under me before I got half way. I doubt you would have issue with the crossing at Timms spur. It is only a short catchment above it and even if there was some big rain it would be down the next day.

Edmonsons hut is very doable on the day you drive up (unless you are travelling the night before) and it would be worth aiming for that. You could start at Heathy spur or Watchbed creek. T Spur and Timms Spur are the only real (long) steep climbs apart from the top of T Spur to Bogong summit. For the most part walking is pretty easy and you can cover some good distance in a day. There is a small but nice campsite on the northern side of Big River before T spur. Cleve Cole has plenty of room and water will be available inside the hut. There are some small shrimp in the water but apart from that it is fine to drink. If the shrimp bother you there is a tea leaf strainer near the sink. I have also drunk from Bogong Creek saddle and Big river without filtering but feel that is an individual decision. My partner is more susceptible to giardia and crypt but has not had any issues either from these locations.

Edmonsons to CC hut is doable in a day but if you can't make Edmonsons on day one they you should aim for Roper or Big River. It is about 3.5-4 hours from CC hut to Bogong Creek saddle so you may want to continue past that. I do prefer the Grey Hills for the view over Timms Spur and also it is a single track and not a road. The Grey Hills is relatively straight forward but there will be times where you have to keep an eye out for the track or just walk to a bearing. If you are confident with navigation you should be OK but Lop's warning is valid. There is no formed track from the end of the Grey HIlls to Spione Kopje but you can see the ridgeline to aim for. If you did Timms spur you would make it to Ropers Hut that afternoon. There is no water on the Grey Hills but between it and Spione Kopje there is a small creek that should still have some flow. More water can be found at the old aqueduct on Spione Kopje and there is a nice campsite just near where the track crosses the aqueduct.

I never worry too much about snakes in the mountains. You might see some Alpine Copperheads but they are very docile. We have plenty of them here at home and I have stepped straight over them without knowing. The bigger problem will be ants. Little black ants and Jumping Jacks. The Grey Hills is particularly bad so if you stop for a short time make sure there are no ants where you leave your pack. Gators would be a must anyway. A GPS would be handy but not necessary. I only use one if I am unsure of my position.

I work on a 6 - 8 hour walking day which allows for a bit more if you get going early. I like to be at camp no later than 4pm and tend to do short breaks through the day instead of long lunch stops. Too hard to get moving again after a long break. Advice is always subjective so you will have to tailor it to your own style and needs. I would think it is better to give yourself as much time as you can in a day for the first time to the area. November weather used to be quite stable but the last few years have seen some changes. Expect some bad weather over 4 days.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Hiking Exped » Thu 15 Sep, 2022 11:55 am

The others have pretty much covered this extensively. Edmonsons hut and Ropers hut is good camping and you could make the first easily the day you arrive in less than two hours. Heathy Spur is only a little steep for the first 15minutes and then an easy enjoyable walk.

Otherwise there is a couple of spots to camp at Langford Gap just beyond the gate the first night or carry onto Cope hut. Heathy Spur is my favourite route up to the river fire track and there are even a few spots along Heathy Spur you could camp if you got short of time. Just off the track there are a couple of spots sheltered by some higher ground and water to the north down the slope. Only really if you just cannot make Edmonsons hut though.

Definitely don’t over extend down Duane Spur as said. Allow enough time to get back to Ropers if required.

PLB is recommended as phone cover not always good. Copperhead snakes were plentiful on River Fire track and Duane Spur last spring and summer, but never seen one aggressive. I don’t use gaiters often (only as I use higher leg boots), but worth it just in case you tread on one. Moroko sell great comfortable actually tested snake proof ones, although Australian snake fangs small so good canvass type ones will work fine.

The river will be the uncertainty, especially with the long wet outlook forecast. Somebody will be up there in the weeks before though (likely me too) so maybe reach out the week or so before to see if anyone has intelligence on the river level and chain.

Agree with Lophophaps Grey Hills may be a little too much for an initiation up there. The weather can still get nasty that time of year so don’t overstretch yourself each day and have some contingency plans for bad weather, etc.

I know someone who got ill from water out of stream at Batty Hut so I always filter to be extra safe. Some people’s tolerance to poor water is different, and bad water or an inadequate boil can make you real sick quite quick. Otherwise treat with a sterilisation tablet.

If you have good map and compass navigation skills definitely no GPS required. I never use one, but I’m old fashioned :D

Enjoy its one of my favourite parts of the world up in that region.
Hiking Exped
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Lophophaps » Fri 16 Sep, 2022 7:29 am

Heathy Spur at the High Plains Road to Edmondsons Hut is about 7 kilometres, and Ropers Hut is about 5 kilometres more with a climb up Nelse. Each of these will taker a few hours. The south side of Heathy Spur has a few sheltered spots suitable for camping. Once on the crest it's exposed all the way to Ropers Hut. The tracks are easy to follow. From Edmonsons it's easy to go straight up the hill to meet the track. Coming down is not hard in bad weather. You will either hit the track (go to the right to get to the hut) or the creek (go left). In fine weather the trees are visible.

Does anyone know why the start of Heathy Spur has a big loop?
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Hiking Exped » Fri 16 Sep, 2022 8:18 am

On some older maps the Heathy Spur track took a more direct route up from the parking area, and track Protection is down on the current track (that loop I think you are referring to) at the start. Guessing an erosion issue caused a redirected track? I do like that track, a good intro for kids, etc and nice views back over reservoir to Feathertop, Fainters, etc.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Fri 16 Sep, 2022 8:39 am

The BHP road may not be reopened past Falls ck. untill mid Nov.. Do not bank on being able to drive to Watchbed Creek, Langford Gap or Cope Hut carpark.
I will be heading up there soon yet again because I have a booking for the comfy womfy section of Johnston hut on 27,28,29/9/22.
The FC Resort management will very soon clear the BHP road of snow as far as the Dam Wall for some kind of maintenance work ( I don't really know why ! but that will happen soon even though this weekend there should
be enough snow falling to keep XC ski access open to the Dam Wall).
I just skied it on Tuesday and the XC snow cover was good down to the last 100-200 M. before you reach the Windy corner car park.
All I know is that we will have to walk with skis off for Johnston Hut trip as far as across the Dam wall and then we can ski / skin up Heathy Spur with our multi night packs.
In terms of bushwalking the BHP it is my favourite place to walk and XC ski tour too.
Enjoy !!
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Xplora » Fri 16 Sep, 2022 9:48 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:The BHP road may not be reopened past Falls ck. untill mid Nov.. Do not bank on being able to drive to Watchbed Creek, Langford Gap or Cope Hut carpark.

I had a chat with the person in charge of the road and all indications are it will open by the end of October (subject to some late big dump which is very unlikely). There is a large drift to clear to clear near Langford West but the rest will melt on its own or with the help of La Nina.

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:I will be heading up there soon yet again because I have a booking for the comfy womfy section of Johnston hut on 27,28,29/9/22.
The FC Resort management will very soon clear the BHP road of snow as far as the Dam Wall for some kind of maintenance work ( I don't really know why ! but that will happen soon even though this weekend there should
be enough snow falling to keep XC ski access open to the Dam Wall).
I just skied it on Tuesday and the XC snow cover was good down to the last 100-200 M. before you reach the Windy corner car park.
All I know is that we will have to walk with skis off for Johnston Hut trip as far as across the Dam wall and then we can ski / skin up Heathy Spur with our multi night packs.
In terms of bushwalking the BHP it is my favourite place to walk and XC ski tour too.

This is Sept and we are discussing November 6 weeks away. Nice you are getting in another trip but not relevant to the question at hand.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Xplora » Sat 17 Sep, 2022 5:16 pm

Just recalling when we did the loop a couple of years ago and we were back in Falls Creek for lunch on the third day but the power was out so everything had shut down. We did it counter clockwise over the Grey Hills with Day one camp at Bogong Creek saddle, day 2 the bottom of T spur (although there was still enough time left in the day to get to Ropers) and day three was back to the car. We started from Watchbed Creek but no day was pressured. Day 2 was actually pretty easy going. Lunched at CC hut and thought a camp at Big River would be nicer than Ropers Hut so took an early day. Huts tend to draw people in so if you want it to be a bit quieter I would suggest you avoid camping at any hut.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sat 24 Sep, 2022 7:12 pm

I did this hike in April 2022. The weather was mild by day but cold at night. The annoying flying insects had retreated for the autumn. There is not much to add to the most useful comments which have already been made here. . It is a great hiking route up and down some big hills and it has excellent scenery, esp. up high when the weather is clear.
Enjoy !
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Ryanb180 » Tue 27 Sep, 2022 2:33 pm

Thanks for all the valuable information team.

Keen to see the Big River depth and flow closer to 29 October.

If the BHP is road is still closed, i take it any free parking in Falls Creek is the next best option?

A couple of last questions based on the previous advice if i may.

Looking at 24km back to Falls creek (if BHP Rd is closed and have had to park in village) from Bogong Saddle, is there anywhere better suited to camp between Bogong Saddle and say Edmonsons, to reduce this 24km on my final day? Considering day 2 From Cleve Cole to Bogong Saddle is quite short, would rather push on if there is somewhere more appropriate to camp and even out the two days mileage + allow for time back to Melbourne on my final day. Or with an early morning start is this achievable (allowing 5 hours back to Melbourne) in one day?

Also, dont think ill take a water filter so just boiling and some backup tablets if required, best places to get water on the loop?

Thanks in advance for the advice, very much appreciated.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Xplora » Tue 27 Sep, 2022 3:30 pm

Given you would be at Bogong Creek Saddle by lunch at the latest it is easy enough to push on up Timms Spur or the Grey Hllls, whichever you decide. Timms Spur will put Ropers hut in reach for camp and if you do the Grey Hills you can camp at the site I suggested earlier which is on the old aqueduct on the Spione Kopje track. If you made good time or were keen to push on it would be possible to get to Edmonsons hut via the Grey Hills. The climb up Mt. Arthur is steep but shorter than Timms spur.

Big River, Ropers, Bogong Creek Saddle, Cleve Cole hut, the creek at the top of T Spur, the Aqueduct on Spione Kopje track, Edmonsons hut are all good places for water. I'd say you would not have to carry more than half a day supply. The longest stretch would be either Timms Spur or the Grey Hills.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Lophophaps » Tue 27 Sep, 2022 7:14 pm

At the top of Timms Spur the road runs SW and flat beside Timms Lookout for about a kilometre. There's a gentle curve to the left around the headwaters of Whiterock Falls. At this point, about 20 metres off the road there are trees, the last trees on the main pole line until Heathy Spur and Big River Track at Watchbed Creek. I've camped in the Whiterock trees just off the road. It's reasonably sheltered, but it could get a bit windy in bad weather. However, it's only about 45 minutes to Ropers Hut. The corner can be cut east to pole 910. It is possible to cut the corner lower, but you risk being tangled up in swamps. There are a few reasonably sheltered flat places in the lee of Warby Corner, on the right side heading south, just before the junction. Water is a little way down.

Any water away from huts should be okay.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby north-north-west » Wed 28 Sep, 2022 7:55 am

In good weather there's brilliant camping right next to the trig on Timms. There was also a good campsite on Arthur, although you'd have to carry water for both.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sat 01 Oct, 2022 1:23 pm

In good weather the side trip to the trig point on Timm's Lookout is a must do activity if you are walking or ski touring in the area.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Turbo_420 » Mon 14 Nov, 2022 9:17 pm

Thanks for all the info everyone and hope it's OK to add a related question to the discussion - is there a map that you'd recommend for planning/doing walks in this neck of the woods (Falls - Bogong)?
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 15 Nov, 2022 8:58 am

Rooftops or Spatial Vision maps will suffice. The Vicmaps issue for the area is okay but not ideal for Bushwalking.
With all of this rain & flood water we have at present I would leave the Big River Crossing at the bottom of the T spur for a month or two. Ditto with nearly all other river crossings in the area.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby north-north-west » Tue 15 Nov, 2022 1:14 pm

The Rooftop maps are really good for the Bogongs. I'd stick with them.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby scroggin » Wed 16 Nov, 2022 2:42 pm

You may have to find a new spot to set out from. Unless you're happy to drive the extra distance.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-14/ ... /101643342
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Xplora » Wed 16 Nov, 2022 4:03 pm

scroggin wrote:You may have to find a new spot to set out from. Unless you're happy to drive the extra distance.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-14/ ... /101643342

That might depend on where in Victoria you live but even if you live in Melbourne it does not that much longer to drive to Wodonga, Mitta Mitta and in the back way. It just seems longer and maybe a bit counter intuitive. But you also have Eskdale and Granite Flat spurs for Mt Bogong which means you start the loop for the other end.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 17 Nov, 2022 5:30 pm

Bushwalking Vic. will be having a working bee on the Long Spur on the AAWT on the
first weekend in Dec. 2022.. If you are planning to hike from Mulhauser spur or Long Spur to reach the T spur then keep in mind that power tool
work will be carried out to clear the track and fix erosion channels on
the foot track and parking at Mulhuaser camp will be busy / full.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 23 Nov, 2022 7:51 am

Since the Falls Creek road will remain shut from Mt. Beauty until March 2023
at least , the option of entering the BHP from Shannonvale up to Fitzgerald hut on foot is there.
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Re: Falls Creek Bogong loop questions

Postby Xplora » Wed 23 Nov, 2022 8:42 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Since the Falls Creek road will remain shut from Mt. Beauty until March 2023
at least , the option of entering the BHP from Shannonvale up to Fitzgerald hut on foot is there.

Always an option to spend half a day walking instead of half an hour driving. Depends on what your thing is I guess. Walking up a road is less appealing to me.
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