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Postby biggbird » Wed 25 Apr, 2012 11:37 pm

Took advantage of the March long weekend and made my first trip to the Walls NP. Needless to say, it's a beautiful part of the world!

We were lucky enough to get (mostly) beautiful weather for the weekend, but only ended up spending one night camped at Wild Dog Creek before walking out again, but that was because we got everything we wanted to done early!

A few shots:

Solomon's Jewels on the way in, with West Wall in the background

The summit of Mt Jerusalem, which we reached in the late afternoon on day 1

Passed lots of lovely tarns and ponds on the way up/down Mt Jerusalem!

Had some beautiful light on the way out of Dixon's Kingdom

Second morning was a little overcast and a bit cooler, which suited us fine for the ascent up Solomon's Throne and then the wander across to King David's Peak

However, it had well and truly fined up after we had lunch and then climbed The Temple

We then headed back down the valley and home!

Thanks for reading! Hopefully will be heading back in there sometime in June with my housemates, which ought to be interesting, considering none of use have camped in the snow and most of them haven't walked before. At least there are platforms/a hut!
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: WOJ March LWE

Postby taswegian » Sun 29 Apr, 2012 1:13 pm

Glad you enjoyed your trip.
Excellent part of Tasmania and good to see some more images of the WOJ

I was curious though as to your early departure as 'we got everything we wanted to done early!'
There's far more to The Walls than an overnight stay.
Its a great central place for walks in many km's south, east and north.

I'd recommend a study of some older posts and maps and when you return be prepared for the greater experiences beyond the immediate Walls.
Don't expect snow. It could be amazing weather, frosty nights and clear days, and yet be prepared. It can be absolutely foul at that time of year.

Maybe camp elsewhere. My preference would not be those platforms at Wild Dog but Dixons or further south again. (not sure if that's supposed to be said here so moderators are able to revise my post if needed thanks).
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: WOJ March LWE

Postby biggbird » Mon 30 Apr, 2012 2:50 pm

unfortunately we only had a couple of nights to spend, so though we wanted to do
more, everything we could think of (very limited experience/knowledge, bear in mind) would take longer than just one more night!

but dont worry, we have every intention of heading back and doing lots
more :)

cheers for the comment!
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Region: Tasmania
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