Walls of Jerusalem icecapades

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Walls of Jerusalem icecapades

Postby donktec » Fri 17 Aug, 2012 5:27 pm

Been meaning to write a trip report for a while, the most recent one was 4 days in WoJ in July. Didn't have as much snow as we'd hoped for, so sadly the snowshoes didn't see any use. But the cold temperatures meant that there was plenty of ice around. Including a completely frozen Pool of Bethesda. We couldn't resist, and after making sure that the ice was think enough, we spent an hour sliding about on the ice. Have quite a few photos, but also some short videos:

Drilling an ice core part 1

part 2

poling on the ice

Going for a slide

toboggan cam

Finally, the view from Solomons Throne

All up was a great trip. You do have to watch for the very large possum at Dixon's Kingdom hut, he will sniff out any food not very securely packed away. Same goes for the smaller possums and birds at the Wild Dog Creek platforms...
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