HRP - a work in progress....

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HRP - a work in progress....

Postby nickthetasmaniac » Fri 30 Aug, 2013 2:21 am

Well, it's no where near finished but here's a tease from my on-going traverse of the Pyrenees Haute Route :)

I'm on a rest day in Salardu at the moment, the second out of 24 days walking, and at this rate I reckon I'll reach the Med in about 44 days total, will another rest day somewhere past Andorra. So far so good - the gear and the body are holding up well (although I've never been this skinny), not sure about the head though...

Pic d'Orhy (2017m) - the HRP's first time over 2000m - Day 7

High-camp above Lac d'Arrious - Day 12

The Pourter de Hèche (2476m) floats on the evening mist - Day 13

The beautiful Pic du Midi d'Ossau (2884m) and evening vapour trail - Day 12

Awaiting the evening thunderstorm at the Cabane d'Aguila, clockwork in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques - Day 17

Melt-water pool below the Col des Gourgs-Blanc - Day 20

Col Inferieur de Literole (2983m), high point of the Haute Route - Day 21

The 'track' down he eastern side of Col de Mulleres - Day 22
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Re: HRP - a work in progress....

Postby whynotwalk » Fri 30 Aug, 2013 7:41 am

Great stuff Nick :!: Has the weather cooled off at all (was very hot in France & Italy in July)? Take care out there - and keep the pix coming :D


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Re: HRP - a work in progress....

Postby nickthetasmaniac » Fri 30 Aug, 2013 4:54 pm

Thanks Peter! The weather has been fine so far (haven't touched the raincoat since the Basque hill-country!) but I expect it to start cooling off as I come into September. Tell you what tho, camping at 2600m you certainly know when the sun goes behind a cloud...
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Re: HRP - a work in progress....

Postby biggbird » Sun 01 Sep, 2013 9:15 pm

Awesome shots Nick, extremely jealous. Will look forward to more as the walk continues and when you return. Stay safe!
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Re: HRP - a work in progress....

Postby MJD » Wed 04 Sep, 2013 6:58 am

Very nice. Like the thunderstorm clouds.
Carpe diem
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