Snow and hybrid mutants

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Snow and hybrid mutants

Postby nickthetasmaniac » Thu 12 Dec, 2013 12:41 pm

Yet another snowy trip on the Overland Track, odd to think that we're well into 'summer' now :)

More here: http://peopleandotherstrangecreatures.w ... s-hybrids/

EM5, m.ZD 75mm + m.ZD 17mm

Snow-storm over Fury Gorge

Ghost pines on Mt Doris

Fungi in the Upper Mersey

New Myrtle Beech growth

Mountain Needlebush

Mt Olympus

Tasmanian Waratah

Mt Gould

**...and for something completely different**

Hybrid Candleheath (Richea xcurtisiae) - pandani/scoparia hybrid

A fascinating tree we found while exploring Pine Forest Moor. The one on the left is a King Billy and the one of the right is a Pencil Pine - they appear (and we looked closely) to be fully 'joined at the hip' so to speak! Very cool :D
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Re: Snow and hybrid mutants

Postby FreeHiker » Sat 14 Dec, 2013 5:27 am

Great shots, for the mushroom picture I would of focused on the mushroom that the light was perfectly glistening through.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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