Wilkins Young or Hollyford?

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Wilkins Young or Hollyford?

Postby digbyg » Wed 01 Jan, 2014 4:09 pm

I'm planning 5 weeks tramping in the south from end of Jan, starting with Kepler, then Dusky then could do with some comments. Rees Dart and Cascade Saddle is also on the list, but its looking like we'll have to choose between WY or Hollyford. We have done routeburn, greenstone, milford, stewart isl, copland crossing and others further north. Suggestions please?
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Re: Wilkins Young or Hollyford?

Postby bernieq » Tue 07 Jan, 2014 7:49 pm

Cascade Saddle is still a viable option – West Matukituki Valley, Cascade Saddle, Dart Hut, Rees Saddle, Rees Valley, Muddy Creek (and so avoid the Dart landslip). However, a warning needs to be given – the climb to Cascade Saddle from the WM valley is exposed and dangerous, especially in wet/snow conditions.

digbyg wrote: We have done ... copland crossing ...
However, if you mean the Copland Track (the classic mountaineering route between Mount Cook and the West Coast) then Cascade Saddle would not be a problem.

Assuming you are looking for something lest structured than a Great Walk, there are many options in the Kahurangi NP (top of the SI).

A good recognised tramp is the Travers-Sabine loop. Alternatively, a 100km through tramp with some less travelled sections have a look at St Arnaud to Lewis Pass http://tramper.co.nz/?8459 – so many choices !
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Re: Wilkins Young or Hollyford?

Postby wayno » Wed 08 Jan, 2014 4:45 am

cascade saddle is only for use in good weather. rain makes the tussock slick with water, the steepness of the slope combined with wet vegetation makes it a killer. have a plan B. snow can also be a problem on the saddle right up till early summer, it can be slushy and contribute to people slipping and getting seriously injured.
traverse sabine is awash with wasps in summer though till march.
from the land of the long white clouds...
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