GAME: Where am I?

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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby flyfisher » Mon 13 Jul, 2009 9:44 pm

My reply at 9.41 got blocked by 2 others but they were first with the same answer :wink:

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby flyfisher » Mon 13 Jul, 2009 9:47 pm

I was looking at this two days ago wondering if that track was open to the public. It appears to start on private property

I checked it out at easter and it open to the public :D

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby walkinTas » Mon 13 Jul, 2009 9:49 pm

Cool! I'm heading up to St. Mary's next week. :)

I think we can all agree that Nick S is correct. There might be time for one more tonight.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Nick S » Mon 13 Jul, 2009 9:59 pm

heres one more then
mystery .jpg
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Mon 13 Jul, 2009 10:16 pm

Wow! Look at all that forestry plantation down there. Isn't it great fun to climb a mountain to look down on that!
I know where you are - you're in Tasmania :evil:
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby wello » Mon 13 Jul, 2009 10:37 pm

From the top of Ben Nevis. The escarpment is the edge of Ben Lomond.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby Nick S » Mon 13 Jul, 2009 10:41 pm

that's it wello. 360 plantation views! na i enjoyed the walk
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 10:56 am

Nick S wrote:i enjoyed the walk
Course ya did - every walk's a good walk. But I had to say something - couldn't resist :wink:
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 8:42 pm

Hey Wello, your go... Time's running out.
Rules of the Game wrote:If the winner does not post within 24hrs, the turn is forfeited and anyone can post and the first person to post is the new Photographer.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby wello » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 8:45 pm

Sorry for the delay, can only get on line after leaving work.

Have a go at this one. You should know the peak, but where's it from?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:02 pm

What a nice quiet day its been.
Congratulations to all those patient people poised over their keyboards with itching fingers. :wink:

This one is a beauty - I have a suspicion but.... - the question is can I wait and let someone else notice that a new picture is up.
Patience patience....

Mind you - if wello can only access at night - we better put some guesses up soon so he can answer.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:20 pm

Get in there eggs.
Wello says I should know the peak. Ah, hidden shapes... I recognise the coral ferns and the buttongrass and the snowgums. Looks very much like the scrub in so many places.
I know I'm going to be kicking myself when I learn where this peak is. That's the way it goes.

By the way... Patience? WHAT patience! :wink:
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby norts » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:26 pm

Oakleigh from near Old Pelion?
This is a real guess
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tastrekker » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:28 pm

Are you standing on Pine Forest Moor looking to Mount Oakleigh with its main 'horns' hidden in the mist?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:34 pm

Ok tasadam

Once again the statement "you will know this peak" throws me into complete confusion - you must be joking right!
Then he thinks - what mountain has prominant horns off its side?
Hmm - Mt Oakleigh?

Compares his photo from Pelion Plains and thinks - yes I could imagine how that might fit.
The angle places him out near Lake McRae, but he is lower down than Oakleigh by a fair way and there is nothing high between him and Oakleigh.
Thinks - wasn't there a hut out there somewhere?
Searches on web and comes up with the Hydro Hut - or Hydrographers hut.
This is about the right spot, but I suspect it may have been in the general area, as the hut is back a bit along a valley - and this looks like it may have been closer to the edge.
How's that sound?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby wello » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:39 pm

A couple on the right track - the peak is Mt Oakleigh. It's not from Old Pelion Hut and Pine Forest Moor isn't quite right either. Very close though. Well maybe I'm being a bit finnicky. It's from the Private Hut just south of Pine Forrest Moor. We followed a side track one time to see how the other half live.

Over to you tastrekker.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tastrekker » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:41 pm

I thought Hydro Hut too but on my blog there's a photo I took of Oakleigh from the hut. Alas, the 'horns' stick out very prominently from the right flank of the peak as you view from that far north. The main horns are much more prominent than the little column of rock in Wello's pic.

The fog is teasing us. I'm sure Wello will help put us out of our misery.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:43 pm

Amazing. I went through all my photos of the OLT crossing and Oakleigh doesn't look like that in any of them.
Clearly I didn't take enough photos :wink:
1560 wasn't enough... :!:
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:50 pm

I would love to have compared a shot from when we crossed Pine Forest Moor, but the mountain was totally obscured by smoke that day :roll:

Well done tastrekker
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tastrekker » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:51 pm

Aha! The private hut people call that hut PFM so I reckon it's my turn.
100_4363 [].JPG
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby wello » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 9:54 pm

This is the view in the other direction. This hut is one of the Cradle Huts. It's 200m of so to the east of the overland track just before you get back into button grass on the southern side of Pine Forest Moor. There's a boardwalk it think. That hut is marked on my OLT map, but that's 1993 vintage!
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby wello » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 10:01 pm

Huge punt here - Lake Mackintosh from Mount Romulus
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tastrekker » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 10:05 pm

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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Tue 14 Jul, 2009 10:06 pm

What about Lake Rowallan from Clumner Bluff
I like the snow flakes in the photo - thought some of them were bouys in the water.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tastrekker » Wed 15 Jul, 2009 5:54 am

Well done Eggs. I was attempting to climb Clumner Bluff from an old logging road which branches off the Fish River Road. This road ends near the 1000m level and is quite close to the summit as the crow flies.
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Wed 15 Jul, 2009 8:08 am

this is an old slide scan - the hint is have you been following this game?
Where was I camped?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tastrekker » Wed 15 Jul, 2009 8:15 am

Lake Curly?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Wed 15 Jul, 2009 8:33 am

No - this lake is a lot smaller than Curly

Incidentally - I presume you didn't make the top of Clumner from that road. Was it weather that stopped you - or some other problem?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby tasadam » Wed 15 Jul, 2009 9:33 am

A lot smaller than Lake Curly rules out (searching through the game to see where you've been) Dove Lake, Lake Judd, Lake Rolleston in the Tyndalls... Yet it is still called a lake.
So how about Lake Windy, near Lake Curly?
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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Postby eggs » Wed 15 Jul, 2009 9:57 am

I was a bit brief before.
You are right to check the game, as it is in another photo.
But it is not one of mine.
I did describe the event though in responses.
And it is nowhere near Lake Curly

Another hint is that the campsite is on the same ridge as the skyline
- it is a special kind of landform
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