On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

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On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

Postby Peaksnik » Mon 18 Jul, 2016 10:59 pm

This was a really wild walk. We started the OT from Cynthia Bay on the 10th July and came out at Dove Lake on the 16th.

We aimed to reach Windermere Hut from Pelion Hut on Wednesday 13th but fell about 2 km short after over 10 hours of "walking". Crossing the moorlands was pure agony: crutch deep post-holing with wind gusts that would blow a dog off a chain. The next day it would take us 2 hours to get to Windermere, even using snowshoes, and only covering those 2 kms.

But there was much pleasure in snowshoeing the final stretch to Marions Lookout:

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Re: On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

Postby walkon » Tue 19 Jul, 2016 5:24 am

i hope there are more pics coming and a longer report than this
Cheers Walkon

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Re: On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

Postby Peaksnik » Tue 19 Jul, 2016 12:50 pm

Taking photos after Wednesday morning was the last thing on my mind until we got close to Waterfall Valley. But see a couple more below.

There isn't a lot to report. The first part of the trip up to Pelion Hut from Cynthia Bay was regulation: one night each at Bert Nichols and Kia-Ora huts. Although it might be worth mentioning the family group we met at BN on Sunday who were on their way out. The youngest child was 5 years old and the kids had energy to burn. A very impressive family of bushwalkers.

We spent Thursday afternoon at Windermere Hut recovering (eating, drinking and resting) before heading to Waterfall Valley hut on Friday. It rained most of Thursday night and into Friday morning and this washed snow away in parts so that the Friday leg to WFV took 4.5 hours overall including reaching the Lake Will junction in just over 2 hours. We elected to walk that day with microspikes rather than snowshoes.

Friday evening we met a chap who had just walked in from Ronny Creek who told us about the rescue of the young woman from the Northern Territory. By coincidence, we had met her on the bus from Hobart (she went on to get the connection to Cradle Valley).

On Saturday we walked to Dove lake in just over 6 hours with going around the mountain as the slowest section (about 2 hours). We had snowshoes on and off for that and then used them again out of Kitchen Hut. Approaching KH we encountered a couple who were going up Cradle Mountain to snowboard and ski back down. Given the facts that visibility was poor, I'm an ordinary skier, and I was looking forward to lunch at the Lodge, I didn't look at them with envy. But as with the children at BNH, their enthusiasm was a joy to observe.

A final thought. At Cynthia Bay the ranger warned that the system approaching was equivalent to a Cat. 2. We aimed to be out on Thursday but with an extra day up our sleeves in case of bad weather. We thought that was enough. We were wrong and should have then and there changed plans. Before that, we should have incorporated an extra couple of days in our plans for weather contingency thus avoiding missing our flight on Friday (we eventually flew out of Launceston on Sunday morning). The lesson has been learnt. But it was a great experience nonetheless. There is a terrible beauty in Tasmania's wild winter weather and while there was a downside I'm glad to have experienced it.

The Pelion plains:

The track ahead:
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Re: On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

Postby canthardlywait » Tue 19 Jul, 2016 2:56 pm

Wow, great photos! Keep em coming.

I did the OT that exact period last year. We were lucky and didn't have any heavy snow falls when we were on the track.
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Re: On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

Postby Peaksnik » Tue 19 Jul, 2016 4:03 pm

That's the difficulty of planning trips to Tassie from QLD. If you live there I suspect it is psychologically easier to be more flexible and weather respondent. Two of us did the same trip in the same week 2 years ago and the weather was much kinder. That seemed to push us to not deviating from the same plan.

Just a few more photos (the last).

The view on Tuesday from Pelion Hut:


Approx. 15 hours later on Wednesday from Pelion Hut

Taken from the rockband above Waterfall Valley (note the waterfall on the left)
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Re: On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

Postby hobes » Thu 21 Jul, 2016 8:00 am

Thanks for the report and photos Peaksnik. I briefly met you guys at the jetty as you were getting off the ferry to start the Overland. Looks like a wild walk indeed. Thankfully you had the foresight to carry snow shoes. I also met the amazing family with the four kids including the 5 year old at Kia Ora Hut. As you say, very impressive! How was the Wednesday night in the wind?
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Re: On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

Postby Nuts » Thu 21 Jul, 2016 1:26 pm

Haha, Yes! Nik, take the snowshoes! Looks like a great trip. The heavy snow can be a challenge, especially moving while it's wet and slushy, but it does put a wilder aspect on the experience.
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Re: On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

Postby Peaksnik » Thu 21 Jul, 2016 2:52 pm

How was the Wednesday night in the wind?

Hi hobes, It wasn't too bad actually. We were in a pocket amongst trees and the tent held up very well (Big Agnes Copper Spur UL3). Comfort and warmth was fine - 3 beefy men exuding a fine aroma plus body heat. I wouldn't have wanted to be bivvying.

Before the trip I did think about just taking the fly and a footprint (~1200gm) but I am glad I decided to take the extra 600g of fly and inner. I think that the wind and wind-blown snow would have been a real problem coming under the fly. The full tent had very little condensation.

Nuts, your urging to take snowshoes paid off - thanks.
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Re: On the OT during the big storm period 12-14 July

Postby Snowzone » Sat 23 Jul, 2016 5:23 pm

canthardlywait wrote:Wow, great photos! Keep em coming.

I did the OT that exact period last year. We were lucky and didn't have any heavy snow falls when we were on the track.

Did south to north same time last year as well just after heavy snowfall. Carried snow shoes all the way but didn't use them. Great report Peaksnik, Thanks for posting and love the photo's. :)
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