Pigeon house through the back door.

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Pigeon house through the back door.

Postby puredingo » Tue 07 Feb, 2017 9:39 am

Anybody who has been up pigeon house during the holidays months knows it's more of a mad house than any other sort complete with dawdlers, troops of trail sprinters, photogs and everyone else.

So in an effort to evade the general population I thought I'd have go at climbing a track that had had me interested since hearing about it.

The day started along the Yadboro Rd where I parked at the Matts Ck Fire Rd entrance. There is another Matts entrance further along as it loops back to Yadboro Rd and if you were to take the second entry it would shorten the walk but the first seemed more interesting and I wanted the hit out so that's the one I went.

Not too long after you start off you drop down into and across a creek, the track follows the creek bank for a bit then actually runs along the creek bed before climbing back up the bank. It can be rather confusing here as on the map it's actually marked as the track being in the opposite bank but stay in the creek (dry) and it will become clear enough.

Now it's mostly up up and away, the first intersection you'll strike is the Gaps Rd T, stick to your right and keep climbing, a left turn will see you back onto Yadboro Rd.(the second Maats Ck entrance) Stay on Gaps until the next junction which will be the Bridle track, this sits on the spine of Longfella ridge. Keep going up and before long the road ends and you will see an obvious and well used foot pad that will lead you up and through the cliff line.

Now you are upon plateau country directly below pigeon house. Soon the pigeon house north FT appears and it's just a simple matter of following this while keeping a keen eye to your right for the cairn that indicates the track head. Once located get ready to climb, in some spots, a seemingly vertical track that doesn't get much use. It's definitely there and where slightly vague rock cairns and tape tags take over to see you through.

Once you hit the vertical walls of the peak proper the track will sidle to your left and before you know it the tell tale signs of civilisation will let you know you will be soon connecting with the usual track, ie dunny paper, popper cartons, muesli wrappers ect...

Once above, have a rest, enjoy the view and if your lucky enough to have a mate who can pick you up at the normal car park than you can round out a neat little circuit without back tracking... Im not one of those so l returned the way I came but enjoyed the down hill meandering as the day got REALLY hot.

All in all it was 20 kms and a nice alternative to know.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Pigeon house through the back door.

Postby awildland » Thu 09 Mar, 2017 6:22 pm

Nice. Thanks for the details dingo.
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